
A Bukkit plugin for a gamemode based on random damaging areas

Primary LanguageJava


REQUIRES Spigot 1.8.8+ and Java 7+

Bukkit plugin gamemode intended for UHC

Whilst Migration is running players are given an amount of time to reach a specific area. When this time is up the players outside the area take damage over time for a short while and then a new area is picked randomly and then game loops.


seconds for warning: 600
seconds for damaging: 60
seconds for half heart: 10
damage sender: SUBTITLE+CHAT
phase change sender: SUBTITLE+CHAT
timer update sender: ACTIONBAR
notification seconds: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,30,60,90,120,180,240,300,360,420,480,540,600,660,720,780,840,900]
  example area 1:
    x: "[0..+Inf)"
    z: "(-Inf..+Inf)"
    announce: Positive X coord
    weight: 0
  example area 2:
    x: "[0..64]"
    z: "[0..64]"
    announce: 0,0 -> 64,64
    weight: 0
  GET TO AREA: "&3Get to `&6%1$s&3` within &6%2$d &3seconds"
  DAMAGE NOTIFICATION: "&3You took &4%1$d&3HP damage for being outside of the area"
  DAMAGE PHASE START: "&3Now damaging players not within the area"
  DAMAGE TICK: "&3Damaging players not in `&6%1$s&3` for the next &6%2$d&3 seconds"

seconds for warning

This is the amount of seconds that the warning phase goes on for.

seconds of damaging

This is the amount of seconds players outside the chosen area should be damaged for

seconds for half heart

Every second outside of the chosen area the player will accumulate 1 point. This setting is how many of those points will cause the player to take half a heart and reset the count

damage sender

Where to send the notification that the player took damage. Sends messages.DAMAGE NOTIFICATION.

Allowed senders:

  • TITLE - sends a title to the player
  • SUBTITLE - sends a subtitle to the player
  • CHAT - sends a chat message to the player
  • ACTIONBAR - sends an actionbar message to the player

Senders can be combined with a '+' character: SUBTITLE+CHAT, ACTIONBAR+CHAT e.t.c.

phase change sender

See damage sender. Sends messages.DAMAGE PHASE START or messages.GET TO AREA depending on phase switch

timer update sender

See damage sender. Sends messages.GET TO AREA or messages.DAMAGE TICK depending on phase

notification ticks

A list of seconds that notification updates should be sent on. Defaults try to reduce spam but update a lot when the timer is about to run out


A list of areas that are to be randomly chosen from

An area is formatted as follows:

example area 1:
    x: "[0..+Inf)"
    z: "(-Inf..+Inf)"
    announce: Positive X coord
    weight: 0

example area 1 - name of the area, not used but should be kept unique
x - Range to define inside of the area on the x axis. This is allowing any positive X coordinate
z - Range to define inside of the area on the z axis. This allows any z coordinate
announce - the name of the region when announced in-game, used in messages.GET TO AREA and messages.DAMAGE TICK
weight - optional (default 1). The weighting of this region in random selection, a weight of 0 will not be included. Heigher weights = higher probability (weight = 2 is twice as likely)


A list of messages that are sent in-game to players. Colour codes like &c are allowed. Positional parameters (e.g. %1$s) are used to denote a variables placement in the message.