
Clicking "Mark as Read" returns an error in Firefox

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Clicking on the "Mark as read" checkbox in Firefox returns the following error:
Exception: TypeError, e is undefined
Function: markasreadClicked()
Location: #f=-3&c=0:591

Works fine in Chrome on the same install. TTRSS 1.7.9, most recent version of Mark as Read via git.

Thanks for the report! I could verify it here with Firefox 17 running on Gentoo linux.

In the comit 5df0b01 it should be fixed. Works fine on my machine in Firefox, Chrome and Epiphany.

Thanks for fixing this so quickly! I verified it works on Firefox 21 on
Win 7 x64 and OS X 10.8.3. Also tested it in Safari 6.0.4 on OS X 10.8.3
and it works as well.

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Elv1zz notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks for the report! I could verify it here with Firefox 17 running on
Gentoo linux.

In the comit 5df0b015df0b01it should be fixed. Works fine on my machine in Firefox, Chrome and

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/3#issuecomment-18221969

Ok, great :)
Thanks for testing also with Safari! Will add the information to the list soon.

Fixed & close