
AmxModX 1.8.3 or higher nightmode Plugin

Primary LanguagePawn


AmxModX 1.8.3 or higher nightmode Plugin

Night Mode plugin! Created by S3ekEr, and developed by UNU

  • This is a night plugin for automated timed change servers setting!
  • This plugin is compatible only with AmxModX version 1.8.3 or higher What it does?
  • pauses some plugins when night time is set and unpause them when day starts!

  • Changes cvar values

    • amx_vipgold_everyone (Custom VIP plugin cvar)
    • sv_timeout (HLDS cvar)
    • sv_unlag (HLDS cvar)
    • sv_maxunlag (HLDS cvar)
    • mp_autokick (HLDS cvar)
    • mp_autoteambalance (HLDS cvar)
    • mp_timelimit (HLDS cvar) *Changes server Hostname using cvar "hostname" -changes are made with the help of 2 files serverhostnamefreevip.cfg, and serverhostnameclassic.cfg

    Change List

    • Version 1.1

      • Last round when number of rounds meets the amx_restart_maxrounds and reload map
    • Version 2.0 20-06-2020

      • Added galileo to pause list
      • Added auto pausing plugins in pause list when switching to nightmode
    • Version 2.0 20-06-2020

      • Added Autoexecconfig to execute own config for this plugin you can find config in (cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins/plugin-Nightmod.cfg)
    • Version 2.0.1 26-06-2020

      • Removed some plugins from pause