
A LSTM model using Risk Estimation loss function for stock trades in market

Primary LanguagePython








采用风险估计损失函数: 投资决策者并不太关心模型预测的准不准,而只关心策略赚不赚,不准也能赚。可以寻找一种损失函数的定义方法,将其直接定义为我们投资的损失率。令网络输出(p)为当天持有股票到明天的仓位,区间[0.0,1.0],0.0表示我今天不持有任何股票至明天,1.0表示我将所有的钱买股票持有到明天,则0.5表示我用一半的钱买股票并持有到明天,那么当明天来临,股票价格的变化率(r)已经知道,那么前一个交易日的策略的收益或损失率就可以计算了:r*p,例如我今天的网络输出是p=0.4,我将40%的钱买了股票,明天这支股票涨了0.01,那么我就赚了0.01 * 0.4,如果明天跌了0.02,那我就损失了0.02 * 0.4。因此将网络的损失函数定义为: Loss = -100. * mean(P * R) P为网络输出的集合,也就是持仓策略的集合,R为相应的第二天的价格变化率的集合。另外,我们知道资金是有使用成本的,如果钱不用来买股票,放在银行里也能得到利息,所以用于买股票的钱是有代价的,该成本(c)应该计算进损失函数,所以我们将损失函数重新定义为: Loss = -100. * mean(P * (R - c))





ta-lib, ta-lib for python, numpy, tensorflow




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Thanks to chenli0830(Chen Li) for his valuable source code and donation!

A LSTM model using Risk Estimation loss function for trades in market


Could deep learning help us with buying and selling stocks in market? The answer could be 'Yes'. We design a solution, named DeepTrade, including history data representation, neural network construction and trading optimization methods, which could maximizing our profit based on passed experience.

In our solution, effective representations are extracted from history data (including date/open/high/low/close/volume) first. Then a neural network based on LSTM is constructed to learn useful knowledges to direct our trading behaviors. Meanwhile, a loss function is elaborately designed to ensure the network optimizing our profit and minimizing our risk. Finaly, according the predictions of this neural network, buying and selling plans are carried out.

Feature Representation

History features are extracted in the order of date. Each day, with open/high/low/close/volume data, invariant features are computed, including rate of price change, MACD, RSI, rate of volume change, BOLL, distance between MA and price, distance between volume MA and volume, cross feature between price and volume. Some of these features could be used directly. Some of them should be normalized. And some should use diffrential values. A fixed length(i.e., 30 days) of feature is extracted for network learning.

Network Construction

  LSTM network [1] is effective with learning knowleges from time series. A fixed length of history data (i.e., 30 days) is used to plan trade of next day. We make the network output a real value (p) between 0 and 1, which means how much position (percentage of capital) of the stock we should hold to tomorrow. So that if the rate of price change is r next day, out profit will be p*r. If r is negtive, we lost our money. Therefore, we define a Loss Function (called Risk Estimation) for the LSTM network:

Loss = -100. * mean(P * R)

P is a set of our output, and R is the set of corresponding rates of price change. Further more, we add a small cost rate (c=0.0002) for money occupied by buying stock to the loss function. Then the loss function with cost rate is defined as follows:

Loss = -100. * mean(P * (R - c))

Both of these two loss functions are evaluated in our experiments.

Our network includes four layers: LSTM layer, dense connected layer, batch normalization [3] layer, activation layer. LSTM layer is used to learn knowldges from histories. The relu6 function is used as activation to produce output value.

Trading Plans

Every day, at the time before market close (nearer is better), input history features into the network, then we get an output value p. This p mean an advice of next-day's position (percentage of capital). If p=0, we should sell all we have before close. If p is positive, we should keep a poistion of p to next day, sell the redundant or buy the insufficient.

Experimental Results

  If the network goes crazy(overfitting), just restart it. Or, a dropout layer [2] is good idea. Also, larger train dataset will help.

For more demos of the experimental results, visit our website: http://www.deeplearning.xin.

  Experimental Results


ta-lib, ta-lib for python, numpy, tensorflow


The author is Xiaoyu Fang from China. Please quot the source whenever you use it. This project has key update already. Contact happynoom@163.com to buy a licence.

Bug Report

Contact happynoom@163.com to report any bugs. QQ Group:370191896


[1] Gers F A, Schmidhuber J, Cummins F, et al. Learning to Forget: Continual Prediction with LSTM[J]. Neural Computation, 2000, 12(10): 2451-2471.

[2] Srivastava N, Hinton G E, Krizhevsky A, et al. Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting[J]. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2014, 15(1): 1929-1958.

[3] Ioffe S, Szegedy C. Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift[C]. international conference on machine learning, 2015: 448-456.

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