
Elegant Mapbox integration with Nuxt

Primary LanguageVue


Elegant Mapbox integration with Nuxt

🌟 NEW IN 1.4.0

  • Overall Improved performance (ESM imports, less unnecessary Mapbox events)
  • Full component reactivity (define composables now accept refs for reactivity)
  • New useMapboxBeforeLoad composable
  • Composables for accessing markers & popups

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  • 🏗  Easily add Mapbox to your Nuxt app with Vue components
  • 🌎  useMapbox Composable for easy access
  • 👷  defineMapboxMarker & defineMapboxPopup for making custom components
  • 🎛️  defineMapboxControl for creating your own controls
  • 📖  Persistent map instances across routes

Quick Setup

  1. Add nuxt-mapbox & mapbox-gl dependencies to your project
# Using pnpm
pnpm add -D nuxt-mapbox mapbox-gl

# Using yarn
yarn add --dev nuxt-mapbox mapbox-gl

# Using npm
npm install --save-dev nuxt-mapbox mapbox-gl
  1. Add nuxt-mapbox to the modules section of nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  1. Add your Mapbox API key to the mapbox section of nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  mapbox: {
    accessToken: '{API_KEY}'


View the Mapbox GL JS Docs for reference.

Map instances are created with components. You can provide all the options through component props


      style="position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 250px; width: 500px;"
        style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v11', // style URL
        center: [-68.137343, 45.137451], // starting position
        zoom: 5 // starting zoom

You can add Layers, Sources & Controls by nesting their respective components inside the Map


          type: 'geojson',
          data: '/test.geojson'
          source: '{ID}',
          id: 'geojson-layer',
          type: 'fill'
      <MapboxGeolocateControl position="top-left" />

Persistent Map Instances

For map instances to be persistent across routes, keepalive must be set to true in nuxt.config.ts. This is done by the module automatically, but you can disable it by setting the persistent option to false in nuxt.config.ts.

NOTE: Setting keepalive to false will not have any effect, so if you need to have it disabled be sure to use persistent instead


All Map events are accessible directly through the component (With full Typescript support!)

View a list of events in the Mapbox Docs



You can access events directly on layers as well





The simplest way to access the map instance on setup is with the useMapbox composable. You must provide the map id.

The map instance will not be available until the page is fully loaded, so you must access it through a callback.

    useMapbox(mapId, (map) => {
      // Do whatever with map here

NOTE: The callback will only be run after the map has loaded (so if you do map.on('load'), it will not work).

If you want to access the map before it has loaded, there is the useMapboxBeforeLoad composable instead.

useMapbox should be preferred over useMapboxBeforeLoad with map.on('load') to ensure that your code gets run on reactive updates while the map is already loaded.

useMapboxMarker & useMapboxPopup

You can access your markers and popups in the same way as useMapbox with useMapboxMarker & useMapboxPopup!


When working with the map reactively (for example, in a watcher or computed method), you should instead use the map ref. The refs should be treated similar to Vue template refs.

It is important to remember that the refs will be undefined until they have been initialized, which will be after the component is mounted.

    const mapRef = useMapboxRef(mapId);
    const markerRef = useMapboxMarkerRef(markerId);
    const popupRef = useMapboxPopupRef(markerId);

Linking Popups & Markers

You can have a popup linked to a marker by simply nesting the popup component inside the marker. Example:

      :lnglat="[110, 5]"
        :lnglat="[100, 0]"
          closeOnClick: false
        <h1 class="test">
          Hello World!

Custom Components

While it is recommended to use the default components, making your own is easy with the built in composables!

Custom Popups & Markers

You can use defineMapboxPopup & defineMapboxMarker for custom marker & popup components By passing a template ref you can put custom html directly into your component.

Be sure to nest your custom components inside a map instance so the map-id can be auto injected. You can also pass the map ID manually into the functions.

If you pass options as a ref, the marker or popup will react to changes in settings.


      const popup = defineMapboxPopup(popupId, options, templateRef)

NOTE: Because of the way markers are implemented in Mapbox, if passing a template ref to defineMapboxPopup you have to define properties in a callback like so:

    const markerRef = defineMapboxMarker(markerId, options, templateRef, (marker) => {
        marker.setLngLat([110, 6])

Custom Controls

You can make your own control with the defineMapboxControl composable.


    useMapbox(mapID, (map) => {
        if (htmlRef.value) {
            const control = defineMapboxControl((_map) => {
                return htmlRef.value as HTMLElement;
            }, (map) => {})

Custom Map Component

If you would like to make your own map component, you can use defineMapboxInstance


    // NOTE: Map instance will be null on server & until it is loaded on client
    const map = defineMapboxInstance(MAP_DIV_ID, options);

Custom Geocoder

If you want to use the geocoder without the map, use MapboxCustomGeocoder instead. You can even use your own inputs!


  <MapboxCustomGeocoder v-model="result" />
  const result = ref<MapboxGeocoder.Result>();


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Generate type stubs
npm run dev:prepare

# Develop with the playground
npm run dev

# Build the playground
npm run dev:build

# Run ESLint
npm run lint

# Run Vitest
npm run test
npm run test:watch

# Release new version
npm run release