
Routing decorator for eggjs

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Routing decorator for eggjs


For Install

npm install --save  egg-blueprint


In router.ts

import { Application } from 'egg'
import { Blueprint } from 'egg-blueprint'

export default (app: Application) => {

Prefix Url Globally


export default class index extends Controller {
    @bp.get('/user') //===>>/api/user
    async get() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

Prefix Url For Controller


bp.prefix('/prefixtest', 'index')
export default class index extends Controller {
    @bp.get('/user') //===>>/prefixtest/user
    async get() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

NOTICE 1: bp.prefix is not a decorator function. The first argument is prefix url, the second is ***the class name of this controller.

NOTICE 2: If you have already setup a global prefix option,controller prefix function will do the next:


bp.prefix('/prefixtest', 'index')
export default class index extends Controller {
    @bp.get('/user') //===>>/api/prefixtest/user
    async get() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

Start Routing

import { bp } from 'egg-blueprint'

export default class index extends Controller {
    async get() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

    async post() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,post,egg-blueprint'

Adding Parmas

    async getWithID() {
        this.ctx.body = this.ctx.params['bar']

Router Middleware

Router middleware will run before the target function.


const Auth = (ctx: Context,ctl: Controller) => {
    if (ctx.params['password'] === '1234') return true
    ctx.body = 'can not see'
    return false

// some-controller.ts
export default class TestController extends Controller {
   @bp.get('/need/auth/:password', Auth)
    async needAuth() {
        const { ctx } = this
        ctx.body = 'authed'
  • middleware Params: Ctx:Context and ctl: Controller, in this case, ctl is TestController,not the original Controller
  • if middleware returns false,the target function will not run, only false can stop the whole middleware stack. the target function will continue if returns true or undefined.

Quick CRUD

import { bp } from 'egg-blueprint'

export default class Index extends Controller {
    async Get() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

    async Post() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,post,egg-blueprint'

    async Put() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

    async Del() {
        this.ctx.body = 'hello,egg-blueprint'

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) ZhengFang snakegear@163.com