
Never hardcode paths to redux state again!

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Redux library that tracks the way your reducers are combined in order to:

  • dynamically create a selector for each reducer.
  • namespace your action types based on the position of corresponding reducer in the state tree.

that's it! two of the most known issues with scaling your redux apps is solved now. Enjoy!


$ yarn add retrack


$ npm install --save retrack


Retrack's public API consists of these functions:

// ES2015 Modules
import {
} from 'retrack'

// CommonJS
const { ... } = require('retrack')

Public API


You should use this function instead of redux's default combineReducers everywhere in your project so Retrack knows the shape of your state tree in order to give you the functionality that you're looking for. It internally calls combineReducers from your own version of redux and returns the same result, except that it also does some extra stuff for tracking. note that reducers must be an object with string keys and your reducers as values.


You can use getSelector on any of your reducers (which of course you passed to combineTrackReducers at some point) to get a selector function. This selector maps the giant redux state of your application into the state value that the corresponding reducer controls.

namespaceReducerActions(reducer, actionTypes)

By calling this function you tell Retrack to namespace your actionTypes based on the position of reducer in the state tree. if you want this feature you MUST use the pattern in the example below, which is to pass an actionTypes object, a key value pair that values are string values you wish to use as action type and use actionTypes.ACTION_TYPE whenever you want to refer to an action type (in reducer or action creator). hope the example below clarifies more.


You can customize the logic of namespacing your action types by passing your customFunction here. Your function will get an array of strings and should return your custom action type. The array of strings given to your function will be the strings indicating the path of reducer in the state tree as well as the action type itself as the last value. If you don't call this function, (strArr) => strArr.join('/') will be used by default.


import { createStore } from 'redux'
import {
} from 'retrack'

// define your reducers and setup store
const counterActionTypes = {
function counter(state = 0, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case counterActionTypes.INCREMENT:
      return state + 1
    case counterActionTypes.DECREMENT:
      return state - 1
      return state
namespaceReducerActions(counter, counterActionTypes)

const nameActionTypes = { SET_NAME: 'SET_NAME' }
function name(state = 'default name', action) {
  if (action.type === nameActionTypes.SET_NAME) return action.payload.name
  return state
namespaceReducerActions(name, nameActionTypes)

const firstApp = combineTrackReducers({
  counter: counter,
  name: name

function secondApp(state = 'under construction', action) {
  return state

const store = createStore(
    firstAppName: firstApp,
    secondAppName: secondApp

// later when you want to get values from state
const state = store.getState()

const counterSelector = getSelector(counter) /* equivalent to `(state) => state.firstAppName.counter` */
console.log(counterSelector(state))            // 0

const nameSelector = getSelector(name) /* equivalent to `(state) => state.firstAppName.name` */
console.log(nameSelector(state))               // default name

console.log(getSelector(firstApp)(state))      // {counter: 0, name: "default name"}

console.log(getSelector(secondApp)(state))     // under construction

// ...

console.log(counterActionTypes.INCREMENT)      // firstAppName/counter/INCREMENT
store.dispatch({ type: counterActionTypes.INCREMENT })
console.log(counterSelector(store.getState())) // 1

console.log(nameActionTypes.SET_NAME)          // firstAppName/name/SET_NAME
store.dispatch({ type: nameActionTypes.SET_NAME, payload: { name: 'another name' } })
console.log(nameSelector(store.getState()))    // another name

// you should probably use this when you setup your store, It's here just for the example
setNamespacingFunction((strArr) => strArr.join('-> '))
console.log(nameActionTypes.SET_NAME)          // firstAppName-> name-> SET_NAME

As you have noticed action types like counterAction.INCREMENT are no longer the strings you passed to namespaceReducerActions at first. Retrack behind the scene overrides the action names to be getter functions that produce namespaced action name dynamically based on your state tree. And that's why you must stick to this pattern. If you hardcode an action name by mistake, or capture the value at some point during setup and reuse that value, you'll lose this dynamically namespacing feature.