A game of Snake implemented using the ncurses library. Some parts of the code are from my past projects.
ncurses is a library that facilitates text-based graphical output in the terminal. This project relies on ncurses for display output.
This project can be run using make and cmake as well as viusal studio
- Make sure you have installed the curses library
- linux: Use the command line
sudo apt install libncurses5-dev
to install the curses library - Windows: Install the curses library. Then link the files statically and dynamically.
- linux: Use the command line
- Make/cmake
- Create a build directory inside the project directory and navigate to it
- When building with cmake and make comment out the line
#include <windows.h>
in the snake.h file - You can compile your code now, using the command cmake .. && make
- Visual Studio
- You should be able to run the program as it is in visual studio.
Dont resize the window! Doing so will break the game. Use up, down, left, right keys in order to moves around. Eating each apple makes the snake longer, but be careful to not collide with yourself and collect as mant points as possible!!
Game class The clas that contains the logic and game loop of the game. It keeps track score and game state
Snake class It encasulates the behaviors and data associated with snake/player Snake itself is represented as a list of positions. The class provides functions for accessing the snakes state and modifying its length
Score class Score class is an item that can be collected by the player in order to gain points. Its position is determined at random
Scores class Score class is a container for Score s. It automatically creates more of them once their number reached a certain threshold.
Utils.cpp and Utils.h These files have some common functionality that doesn't belong to any class or is used by most of them. It also contains the namespace Settings which I created in order to avoid magic numbers and make it easier to modify the settings of the game easier. This file also contains struct Pos, namespace Dir, and namespace State.
- The project demonstrates an understanding of C++ functions and control structures.
- Game.cpp line 18
- The project uses Object Oriented Programming techniques.
- Game.h
- Classes use appropriate access specifiers for class members.
- Game.h, Snake.h, Scores.h
- The project accepts user input and processes the input.
- Game.cpp line 106
- Class constructors utilize member initialization lists.
- Snake.cpp line 8