
GeoJSON to Image

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

GeoJSON to Image

This is a PHP class for generate Image from GeoJSON.

How to use

$max_size = 1000;
$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('./geojson2image/TaiwanCounty.json'));

$ret = new GeoJSON2Image($json, $max_size);

$ret->boundry = array(100, 120, 100, 120); // array(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y) boundry
$ret->draw('./image.png');   // GD Image object


  • GeoJSON2Image.php: main class
  • geojson2png: generate png from geojson file
  • TaiwanCounty.json: Taiwan County GeoJSON sample
  • TaiwanCounty.png: Taiwan County output (command: ./geojson2png TaiwanCounty.json; mv output.png TaiwanCounty.png )