
Bundle @fullcalendar/react with some plugings for consumption as a foreign library in ClojureScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FullCalendar React bundled as UMD

The goal was to bundle @fullcalendar/react in a single file with some plugins:

  • @fullcalendar/interaction
  • @fullcalendar/daygrid
  • @fullcalendar/timegrid

And to have the FullCalendar component, and each plugin readily available in js namespace once imported as a foreign library in a ClojureScript project.

react and react-dom are not included in the bundle and must be provided somehow as peer dependencies (reagent 9.0.1 or higher in our case).

The CSS for the standard theme is included in the JS bundle.


yarn install

Build Commands

yarn build # builds files into dist/ directory
yarn clean # start fresh

Derived from: https://github.com/fullcalendar/fullcalendar-example-projects/tree/master/react

You can consider this as a hack to import a foreign lib. Cleaner approaches exist to work with npm dependencies in ClojureScript.