My portfolio where I share who I am, the projects I built, talks I gave, and the centralized place for all the blog post that I wrote in the past years.
- SSG with Astro
- Support for Typescript
- Powered by MDX
- Design system with Tailwind
- CI/CD with Github Pages
- Dependency updates with Dependabot
- Images visualizer in Blogs with medium-zoom
- Improve of Youtube loader with lite-youtube
- Github integration with octokit
- CSS optimizations with autoprefixer and cssnano
- Blog comments integration with utterances
- RSS generation using @astro/rss
- Automatic sitemap creation using @astro/sitemap
- Improvements over MDX:
- Reading time with reading-time
- Automatic image caption using remark-figure-caption
- Smooth view transitions using ViewTransition
- Prettier + Tailwind plugin
- Weekly Dependabot alerts
- Auto merge Dependabot on CI pass using Github Actions