E&H E-Commerce - FullStack


Welcome to the E&H E-Commerce platform! This FullStack application is designed to provide a comprehensive and secure online shopping experience. From user authentication to seamless payment processing, this platform encompasses a wide range of features for both users and administrators.

🚀 Live Demo: Explore the E&H E-Commerce platform here.

🚀 Live Demo For Admin Dashboard: Explore the E&H E-Commerce Admin Dashboard here.

🔗 Backend Repository: Delve into the backend magic at E-commerce-backend.

Technologies Used

  • ReactJS
  • Styled Components with Material UI
  • Redux and Redux Persist for efficient state management
  • Express framework for server-side CRUD operations (MVC architecture)
  • MongoDB with Mongoose schema for data modeling
  • JWT for secure authentication and authorization
  • Stripe API for payment processing
  • GitHub for source code management
  • Vercel for frontend deployment


  1. User Authentication:

    • Users can securely register and log in with JWT and refresh tokens.
  2. Order Processing:

    • Seamless order processing with Stripe integration for card payments.
  3. Shopping Cart:

    • Users can easily add products to their cart and remove them.
  4. Product Filtering:

    • Filter products by color, size, and price (high or low).

Getting Started

Note: This project requires environment variables for configuration, including database connection details and other sensitive information. As the .env file is not included in this repository for security reasons, you will need to set up your environment variables.


  • Node.js installed
  • Git installed
  • MongoDB installed (for backend)


  1. Clone the client repository:

    git clone https://github.com/EmadHussien/E-commerce-Client.git
  2. Install client dependencies:

    cd E-commerce-Client
    npm install
  3. Clone the backend repository:

    git clone https://github.com/EmadHussien/E-commerce-backend.git
  4. Install backend dependencies:

    cd E-commerce-backend
    npm install

Running the App

Client (Frontend)

cd E-commerce-Client
npm start

Access the client app at http://localhost:3000.


cd E-commerce-backend
npm start

Ensure MongoDB is running with your environment . The backend will be available at http://localhost:5000.


  • Frontend Deployment (Vercel): here.


  • Thanks to React for the powerful user interface library.
  • Special thanks to Stripe for seamless payment processing.

Explore the E&H E-Commerce platform and redefine your online shopping experience!

Home Page Screenshot