Ema's prototype key-value server, in Rust
Project structure:
├── database
│ └── mod.rs
├── interface
│ └── mod.rs
├── parser
│ └── mod.rs
└── main.rs
database/mod.rs -- KVdb infrastructure and wrapped api for better coupling and updating flexibility
interface/mod.rs -- Communication interface between kvdb and outside TCP stream
parser/mod.rs -- Utility class for interface
to parse the instruction
WARNING: parser/mod.rs is WIP, now it only gives syntax error
as response
Other components are ready to use
Now it's a functional demo
TODO list:
- "documentize" all prompt texts and instruction arugments (xml or json)
- update data infrastructure to LSM tree
- implement mutex lock and multithread
Benchmark added, for current version:
> benchmark
set 1,000,000 random data costs: 10.447723624s
scan in 1,000,000 random data costs: 197.789551ms
get 1,000,000 random data costs: 6.08817167s