FISY is a completely free financial provisional plan template, designed to provide entrepreneurs with a simple and flexible model allowing them to focus on the essentials: building the business model, defining the business strategy and developing the financial plan to better prepare their business plan .
- AhmedYasser-guVGCS
- AkuienStockholm, Sweden
- AlbertSimpson00
- altetmek
- Axel-J-L
- AxelBroberg
- bigjuicyj
- BiliouriV@Luos-io
- Brother-BlueVisit Group
- CaisesiumeSweden
- ccd-vlp
- DimitrisPokUniversity of Gothenburg
- DNAdithyaHyderabad
- drakeaxelrodMalmö, Sweden
- Emanuel-Allely@Luos-io
- geomaestro
- gusandalce
- hirowa
- hry625Sweden
- JoakimDeak
- JuanDoesCodingGothenburg
- larralapidCincinnati, OH
- Lme20Chalmers Teknologkonsulter
- malties
- MortBA
- MrJonte
- NilsDunlopGothenburg
- sabin702
- SandraSmolerEisenbergGothenburg University
- shahdmetwally
- Simonbdy@Luos-io
- smrjansTalentica
- student1304Technology Institute
- trustdanResilience
- VernitaJSweden
- yehjamesDcard