
A script to mint your nft directly by CLI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mint NFT Script

💻 About the project

This project was made to mint NFTS directly by CLI, to facilitate the development, testing or even the registration of NFTS.

How To Run

First run yarn install to install the packages:

yarn install

Now configure your .env with the required variables

Use your private key very carefully, because it is extremely secret.

CONTRACT_ADDRESS= // deployed contract Address
DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY= // to mint by your address
NETWORK=rinkeby // the network, can be: mainnet, rinkeby, ropsten
INFURA_PROJECT_ID= // your infura project id, you can see my article to do

Run the command to mint the NFT

the tokenURI is the url where your NFT metadata is hosted.

yarn es ./src/mintNft <privatekey> <tokenuri>


