Blockchain Auth IoT

Master's thesis project on the use of an Ethereum Blockchain to manage Authentication and Access Control when querying data from an Edge IoT Network.

Local setup with docker-compose

First of all create a network called iot for your containers

docker network create iot

Then start the mysql container with this command (it will create a database called iot). The iotdataprovider container will take care of applying migrations when it starts.

docker run --name mysql --network iot -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=admin -e MYSQL_DATABASE=iot -d mysql:latest

You will need to configure access to a web3 provider (for example through infura, or a local web3 provider like geth or ganache). You can do so by editing all instances of the ConnectionStrings__Chain environment variable in the docker-compose.yml file.

Finally run the build script


or on Linux

chmod +x

Setting up the policies

Now access http://localhost:4000 and http://localhost:4001 and you will see two instances of the web-based client that you can use to impersonate the owner and the signer. You can use the premade wallets admin.json and signer.json on the Kovan testchain (the password is password) that are provided inside the client's container. To refill them you can use this free faucet.

After deploying a contract, you can add some policies, for example

Resource: temperature/latest

Resource: humidity/latest

Resource: temperatureRT

Resource: humidityRT

Alternatively, just load a premade contract on the Kovan testchain at 0x66c9886b18fe944078fe3eb3c60315a4474796f1.

Querying the data

After the contract has been initialized and signed, the user appointed by the signer (for the premade contract it's the signer itself) can send a query to one of the test endpoints to see the data.


Realtime data

In the realtime tab of the client, the signer can require connection to a realtime resource. By default, the server will be running on the host dataprovider on port 6390 (UDP). In addition, the client must provide the name of the desired resource, for example temperatureRT or humidityRT as configured above.

Clearing the redis cache

If you need to clear the redis cache for any reason, you can sh into the container and then type


CTRL+D twice to exit the redis-cli program and the sh shell.