
Using Vagrant to build a cluster of VMs, emulating a 5G environment and a kubernetes (K3S) EDGE cluster

Primary LanguageShell

Providing an emulated MEC (Mobile edge computing) environment through vagrant.

Getting Started

git clone this repository.

in provision-free5g.sh, Edit:

  • The $INTERFACE variable, pointing to the name of the interface that provides internet connection.
  • The root password used by ansible-playbook (within the --extra-vars argument)


vagrant up

SSH to the free5gc vm

vagrant ssh hydrogen

Verify that free5gc containers are running

sudo docker ps

Connect to the UE container

sudo docker exec -it ue bash

List all the UEs


Verify the connection to internet

ping -I oaitun_ue1


Setting up the VMs will take approximately ~ 15-20 minutes.

External links

  • Free5gc vm setup scripts link

  • Vagrant provision scripts partially forked from randy-stad