The Web Application Messaging Protocol

Quick Links: Project homepage | Latest Internet Draft (ID) | Project mailing list | IETF mailing list

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WAMP is an open standard WebSocket subprotocol that provides two application messaging patterns in one unified protocol:

  • Remote Procedure Calls and
  • Publish & Subscribe

Using WAMP you can build distributed systems out of application components which are loosely coupled and communicate in (soft) real-time.

The WAMP spec is a community effort and the spec is made available for free under an open license for everyone to use or implement.

WAMP implementations are available for many different languages and run-time environments.

Find out more on the Web site or get in touch on the mailing list.

Standardization of WAMP as an IETF standard

We're currently working on getting WAMP onto a the IETF standards track.

Your participation here is highly welcome!

To participate in the process, please take a look at

join the mailing list and our chat room.

The current state of both the RFC and the protocol definition is summarized in rfc/ which also links to the individual parts of the spec.