

This project is to get Deadline Render manager up and running quickly for small farms or testing.

How to Use

Running the Stack

Install docker and docker compose Rename example.env to .env and update any of the password fields with secure passwords. Navigate to an the repo folder and run COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose build to build the containers and then run docker-compose up to start running.

Connecting clients

Any files needed for client intallation will be hosted on the filebrowser server included in the stack. The server can be accessed at http://(hostname or ip address of the computer running docker compose):8080 . The default username and password will be admin and admin. Probably should change that. Once in in the folder installers will be a zip that contains client installers for different platforms. Submission installers for DCCs can either be downloaded through Deadline Monitor once that is installed or found in the Repo folder under submission.

During the installation of the client make sure to connect to the repository using the Remote Connection Server. The hostname is the hostname or IP address of the computer running docker compose. If using TLS to connect use the port defined in the .env file under RCS_TLS_PORT and make sure to download Deadline10RemoteClient.pfx from the filebrowser server and supply that as the certificate and supply the passphrase from the .env file for RCS_CERT_PASS as the password. If not using TLS disable the option and use the port defined in RCS_HTTP_PORT in the .env file.

Environment Variable Guide

  • DEADLINE_VERSION The current version of deadline
  • DEADLINE_INSTALLER_BASE The basename for the deadline installer hosted on the Thinkbox S3 Bucket
  • RCS_HTTP_PORT Port used to connect to the Remote Connection Server if TLS is disabled
  • RCS_TLS_PORT Port used to connect to the Remote Connection Server if TLS is enabled
  • RCS_CERT_PASS The passphrase used with the Remote Client Certificate used to connect to the Remote Connection Server
  • DB_CERT_PASS The passphrase used with deadline client certificate for servers to connect directly with the database
  • SECRETS_USERNAME Admin username used with the deadline secets manager
  • SECRETS_PASSWORD Password used for the deadline secrets manager. Must include lower case, upper case, numbers, and symbols
  • ROOT_DOMAIN Used to set the hostname of the container to a FQDN if using DNS
  • CERT_ORG Org for creating certificates
  • CERT_OU Organizational Unit for certificate creation
  • DB_HOST hostname for the database (probably don't need to change this)
  • USE_RCS_TLS Set to TRUE if want all communication with the Remote Connection Server to be encrypted (Required if using the secrets manager)
  • USE_WEBSERVICE Set to TRUE to start the deadline webservice server
  • USE_LICENSE_FORWARDER Set to TRUE if using the deadline license forwarder to use the Usage Based Licensing

Backup and Restore

To backup the containers use the backup_volumes script from the scripts folder of the repo.
By default it will create a .tar archive for each volume appended with the date in a YYYY-MM-DD format in the current working directroy. To specify a backup location supply the path as a command line variable.
scripts/backup_volumes.bat Drive:/path/to/backup_folder

To restore a backup first bring up the stack and wait for all the containers to be fully created and then bring the stack back down. Then run the restore_volumes script from the scripts folder of the repo.

If the backups aren't in the current directory or you want to restore a backup from a different date then the current day you can specify a path and date.
scripts/backup_volumes.bat Drive:/path/to/backup_folder YYYY-MM-DD

Bring the stack up and all should be restored.