
wxWidget stitch creator making pmv stitch files from scratch.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


MaKe stitch is an open source stitch creator software that creates, reopens, edits and saves .pmv stitch files. These are common used in a series of brother sewing machines with customizable stitches. Other formats are currently unknown.

wxWidget stitch creator making pmv stitch files from scratch.

You can download a compiled copy of MaKe-stitch for windows in Releases.



Requires pyembroidery

pip install pyembroidery

Requires wxPython:

pip install wxPython


  • MaKe-stitch.py GUI - for making .pmv stitch files (or other ones, but there aren't any other ones).
    • mkstitch
    • See tutorial video: https://youtu.be/HCiFgb9-JHQ
    • Left Double-Click inserts a stitch.
    • Middle Double-Click inserts a stitch. Note: Since Left Click selects a node, double clicking a node selects then inserts at that exact location which duplicates the node. Using middle click means it will allow double-backing on nodes without selecting them.
    • Right Double-Click inserts a triple stitch.
    • Left Click selects nodes.
    • Right-click: on nodes, opens popup menu (delete, duplicate).
    • Drag-and-Move selected nodes to new locations.
    • (In Windows) Drag-and-drop files to open them (other OS's when wxPython supports with the bind I used).
    • Keyboard Commands:
      • Delete button deletes selected node.
      • Right Arrow or 'd' moves to the next node in the list.
      • Left Arrow or 'a' moves to the next node in the list. ('a' & 'd' are WASD keys).


  • Mark Kressin.
  • PlantLily.