Lessons on developing smart contracts on FunC for The Open Network(TON

Lessons on developing smart contracts on FunC for The Open Network(TON). The lessons are located in the appropriate folders in .md format, and a code is attached to each lesson. Our community - here. The lessons are first done in Russian here, and then I gradually translate them into English, if you want to help - the donation addresses are below.


Number Lesson Considered concepts Link Status
Round 1
1 Simple FunC Smart Contract Types, exceptions, functions, contract deployment, GET requests in testnet LINK
2 FunC tests for the first smart contract FunC test logic, test structure, tuples LINK
3 Messages, let's write a proxy contract Messages, message modes, primitives, cell references LINK
4 Testing messages Addresses, TL-B, register c5 and output actions LINK
5 Flags and data storage in a contract Op - for identification of operations, Computational fees, primitive data storage in the contract LINK
6 Testing flags and data storage in the contract Various tests for flag messages and data storage in register c4 LINK
7 HashMap storage Working with Dictionaries (hashmap): storage, deletion, search LINK
8 Testing HashMap storage Testing HashMap(dictionaries), special toncli functions for testing, register c7 LINK
9 Analyzing the Jetton Standard(Fungible Token) Tokens, standards, Jetton standard, StateInit, workchains LINK
10 Analyzing the NFT Standard (Non-Fungible Token) NFT, standard NFT, collections and individual NFTs LINK
Round 2
11 Introduction to the development of smart contracts in TON
12 New Toncli tests
13 TON and API Services - Exploring the NFT Collection with Python
14 Analyzing the TON DNS contract
15 Article about TON DNS
16 Analyzing the DAO contract
17 Article about Governance
18 Buy me a coffee Dapp
19 Secret content for channel in the amount of 10 pieces)
20 Events to attract developers to the TON ecosystem

Questions and discussion of lessons (Chat in two languages - Russian and English)


Development assistance

Ton: EQAvmc9oVnOvLFlUAgeNmZNZoKeDg9vTEiAQxNFw-t5mh3m7

BTC: bc1qqxfgexy72ts2ls3q5ytwmn45xedw0cpfvwv70p

ETH: 0x996d0b3438bC0dD77C2A87c632B02686669c1AF0

ERC-20 Tether: 0x996d0b3438bC0dD77C2A87c632B02686669c1AF0

ERC-20 USDC: 0x996d0b3438bC0dD77C2A87c632B02686669c1AF0

Donations will go to:

  • translations of current lessons from Russian into English
  • creating new lessons