Advantage Leftover Lunch Reinforcement Learning (A-LoL RL): Improving Language Models with Advantage-based Offline Policy Gradients

Primary LanguagePython

Advantage Leftover Lunch Reinforcement Learning (A-LoL RL)

Improving Language Models with Advantage-based Offline Policy Gradients.

paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14718

      title={Improving Language Models with Advantage-based Offline Policy Gradients}, 
      author={Ashutosh Baheti and Ximing Lu and Faeze Brahman and Ronan Le Bras and Maarten Sap and Mark Riedl},

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Install Packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

Harmless and Helpful Assistant Task - 7B LLaMA QLoRA experiment

How to get Harmless and Helpful Assistant Task Dataset?

  1. Get the data from PRO repo: https://github.com/AlibabaResearch/DAMO-ConvAI/tree/main/PRO
    wget https://ylab-mobile-prod.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/yueli.ybw/data.zip
  2. Unzip the data.zip file and save it in data/ folder. The folders hh_dev, hh_test, hh_train_len2 should be present in data/ folder.
  3. Remove the bad training data with abruptly ending responses
    python data_cleaning.py

How to train models with Reward and Advantage based offline RL methods?
python lolrl_qlora_llama_hh.py
Parameters and options:

  1. --algorithm: options - ['nll', 'wbc', 'r_gold', 'r_lol', 'a_lol', 'a_lol_ref_free', 'a_lol_seq', 'a_lol_kl']
  2. --sampling_strategy: default None. Option good_priority to be used with Advantage or Reward based Offline RL
  3. --ppo_clip: default 0.9. PPO clip parameter for R-LoL, A-LoL and A-LoL seq
  4. --kl_beta: default 0.2. KL beta parameter for A-LoL KL

How to train models with Preference-based Offline RL methods?

  1. DPO: python dpo_qlora_llama_hh.py --output_dir "./checkpoints/dpo_qlora_llama/". Add --reference_free to test the reference-free version of DPO.
  2. PRO: python pro_qlora_llama_hh.py --output_dir "./checkpoints/pro_qlora_llama/"

How to train models with Online RL methods?

  1. PPO: python ppo_qlora_llama_hh.py --output_dir "checkpoints/ppo_timdettmers_qlora_llama_3e/" --cache_dir "cache/ppo_tim_cache" --total_steps 3000
  2. Evaluate existing PPO checkpoint: python ppo_hh_eval.py --model_name_or_path "reciprocate/ppo_hh_pythia-6B" --output_dir "checkpoints/ppo_hh_pythia_6B/"

How to evaluate any QLoRA model on test set?
python qlora_llama_hh_eval.py --adapter_path [PATH_TO_ADAPTER] --output_dir [OUTPUT_DIR]

Small model experiments

1. Commonsense Transformer - COMET 1.5B GPT2-XL experiment

  1. Acquire the ATOMIC^10x dataset: Download SKD data and save in data/symbolic_knowledge_distillation/
  2. Convert pretrained COMET critic from original paper to huggingface format
    python convert_keras_roberta_to_huggingface.py

    Saved the final classifer as RobertaModel, Tokenizer and Custom Classification Head with specific activations at saved_models/comet_critic_keras_to_pytorch.
    Classifier is saved in "custom_roberta_classification_head.pt" file within the folder
    Initialize the Classification head as follows: RobertaClassificationHead(1024, 512, 1)

  3. ATOMIC-COMET preprocessing and reward extraction
    python preprocess_comet_and_add_rewards.py -i data/symbolic_knowledge_distillation/downloaded -it data/symbolic_knowledge_distillation/atomic2020/atomic2020_data-feb2021/ -ccm saved_models/comet_critic_keras_to_pytorch -o data/comet_rewarded/ -bs 32
Reward and Advantage-based Offline RL command

python train_generation_task_with_off_policy_PG.py -i data/comet_rewarded/ -tn COMET -m data/symbolic_knowledge_distillation/downloaded/comet-distill/ -s [MODEL_SAVE_DIR] -o [OUTPUT_DIR] -mt data/symbolic_knowledge_distillation/downloaded/comet-distill-tokenizer/ -ccm saved_models/comet_critic_keras_to_pytorch -ml 30 -algo [ALGORITHM] -vf 16 -e 1 -bs 16 -as 1 -v_bs 32 -t -ev_b
ALGORITHM options: ["nll", "wbc", "r_gold", "r_lol", "a_lol", "a_lol_ref_free", "a_lol_seq", "a_lol_kl"]

Aggregate COMET results

python aggregate_generation_task_results.py -bmps "{'comet_distill': True}" -tn COMET -o final_results/comet_final_results.csv

2. Reddit positive and negative comment generation task

  1. Data Download: Download the upvoted and downvoted reddit comment pairs from: https://www.kaggle.com/code/danofer/reddit-comments-scores-nlp/input

    Positive comments score 10 percentile: [66.0, 72.0, 79.0, 88.0, 100.0, 116.0, 139.0, 174.0, 236.0, 385.0, 9582.0]
    Negative comments score 10 percentile: [-2946.0, -25.0, -18.0, -14.0, -12.0, -10.0, -9.0, -8.0, -8.0, -7.0, -6.0]

  2. Reward prediction: Download the toxichat classifiers and save them in saved_models

    python preprocess_reddit_comment_scores_and_add_rewards.py -i data/reddit_comment_scores_kaggle/ -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -ucm microsoft/DialogRPT-updown -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -om saved_models/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -o data/reddit_comment_scores_kaggle/preprocessed

  3. Train DialoGPT-medium NLL Reference Policy on Reddit Upvoted (reddit_pos) and Downvoted (reddit_neg) comments
    python train_generation_task_with_off_policy_PG.py -i data/reddit_comment_scores_kaggle/preprocessed -tn reddit_pos -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -s saved_models/reddit_pos/dgpt_nll -o final_results/reddit_pos/dgpt_nll/train_log -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -ucm microsoft/DialogRPT-updown -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -om saved_models/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -algo nll -vf 2 -e 6 -t -bs 8 -as 2 -v_bs 32
    python train_generation_task_with_off_policy_PG.py -i data/reddit_comment_scores_kaggle/preprocessed -tn reddit_neg -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -s saved_models/reddit_neg/dgpt_nll -o final_results/reddit_neg/dgpt_nll/train_log -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -ucm microsoft/DialogRPT-updown -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -om saved_models/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -algo nll -vf 2 -e 6 -t -bs 8 -as 2 -v_bs 32

Reward and Advantage-based Offline RL command

python train_generation_task_with_off_policy_PG.py -i data/reddit_comment_scores_kaggle/preprocessed -tn [TASK_NAME] -m saved_models/[TASK_NAME]/dgpt_nll -s [MODEL_SAVE_DIR] -o [OUTPUT_DIR] -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -ucm microsoft/DialogRPT-updown -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -om saved_models/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -algo [ALGORITHM] -vf 2 -e 3 -bs 8 -as 2 -v_bs 32 -t -ev_b
TASK_NAME options: ["reddit_pos", "reddit_neg"]
ALGORITHM options: ["nll", "wbc", "r_gold", "r_lol", "a_lol", "a_lol_ref_free", "a_lol_seq", "a_lol_kl"]

Aggregate Reddit POS and NEG results
python aggregate_generation_task_results.py -bmps "{'dgpt_nll': True}" -tn reddit_pos -o final_results/reddit_pos_final_results.csv
python aggregate_generation_task_results.py -bmps "{'dgpt_nll': True}" -tn reddit_neg -o final_results/reddit_neg_final_results.csv

3. Faithful Knowledge Grounded Dialogue Generation Task

  1. Download WoW dataset: http://parl.ai/downloads/wizard_of_wikipedia/wizard_of_wikipedia.tgz
  2. Preprocess for specific task: python preprocess_wow_and_add_rewards.py -i [TASK_NAME] -o data/[TASK_NAME]/preprocessed_and_rewarded/ -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -fcm McGill-NLP/roberta-large-faithcritic -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -bs 32
    TASK_NAME options: ["wow", "faithdial", "faithdial_wow"]
  3. Train DialoGPT-medium NLL Reference Policy
    python train_generation_task_with_off_policy_PG.py -i data/[TASK_NAME]/preprocessed_and_rewarded/ -tn [TASK_NAME] -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -s saved_models/[TASK_NAME]/dgpt_nll -o final_results/[TASK_NAME]/dgpt_nll/train_log -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -fcm McGill-NLP/roberta-large-faithcritic -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -algo nll -vf 2 -e 6 -t -bs 8 -as 2 -v_bs 32
    TASK_NAME options: ["wow", "faithdial", "faithdial_wow"]
Reward and Advantage-based Offline RL command

python train_generation_task_with_off_policy_PG.py -i data/[TASK_NAME]/preprocessed_and_rewarded/ -tn [TASK_NAME] -m saved_models/[TASK_NAME]/dgpt_nll -s [MODEL_SAVE_DIR] -o [OUTPUT_DIR] -cm textattack/roberta-base-CoLA -fcm McGill-NLP/roberta-large-faithcritic -dcm microsoft/DialogRPT-depth -algo [ALGORITHM] -vf 2 -e 3 -bs 8 -as 2 -v_bs 32 -t -ev_b
TASK_NAME options: ["wow", "faithdial", "faithdial_wow"]
ALGORITHM options: ["nll", "wbc", "r_gold", "r_lol", "a_lol", "a_lol_ref_free", "a_lol_seq", "a_lol_kl"]

Aggregate results

python aggregate_generation_task_results.py -bmps "{'dgpt_nll': True}" -tn [TASK_NAME] -o final_results/[TASK_NAME]_final_results.csv
TASK_NAME options: ["wow", "faithdial", "faithdial_wow"]