Test Staking Contract with Anchor


In my case, I use WSL cause bpf-sdk of solana chain not support Windows now.

  • Anchor environment should be get ready before running this project.
    https://project-serum.github.io/anchor/getting-started/installation.html#install-rust I want to recommend for you to use latest solana cli version

  • yarn install

  • please set solana provider with devnet(or mainnet)

    solana config set --url https://api.devnet.solana.com

  • anchor build

  • anchor deploy

    anchor deploy --provder.cluster devnet.

    If you want to deploy on mainnet, you can use anchor deploy --provider.cluster mainnet

    After deployed, you need to copy test_stake.json in target/idl directory to UI project(stake_poc_ui) with named idl.json

  • anchor migrate

    You can capture store key and list key in console and reflect them into stakeStoreAddress, stakeListAddress of utilData.js in UI project

  • anchor test

    Please not to test now cause after adding symbol restriction chore, it didn't be applied on test code.

  • symbol restriction If you want to change the collection name to restrict, please change the value of SYMBOL in lib.rs

  • change reclaim time please change the value of 300 with thing you want

  if founded.is_some()
     && ctx.accounts.clock.unix_timestamp
  < 300 + list.items.get(founded.unwrap()).unwrap().stake_time {  