
Plugin to accelerate Spark SQL with the NEC Vector Engine.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Spark Cyclone

Usage of the plugin

Assuming you've deployed the plugin jar file into /opt/cyclone//:

$ $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
    --name YourScript \
    --master yarn \
    --deploy-mode cluster \
    --num-executors=8 --executor-cores=1 --executor-memory=8G \ # specify 1 executor per VE core
    --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=/opt/cyclone//spark-cyclone-sql-plugin.jar \
    --conf spark.plugins=com.nec.spark.CycloneSqlPlugin \
    --jars /opt/cyclone//spark-cyclone-sql-plugin.jar \
    --conf spark.executor.resource.ve.amount=1 \                # specify the number of VEs to use.
    --conf spark.resources.discoveryPlugin=com.nec.ve.DiscoverVectorEnginesPlugin
    --conf spark.com.nec.spark.kernel.directory=/opt/cyclone//ccache \ # Place to cache compiled kernels.

NCC arguments

A good set of NCC defaults is set up, however if further overriding is needed, it can be done with the following Spark config:

--conf spark.com.nec.spark.ncc.path=/opt/nec/ve/bin/ncc
--conf spark.com.nec.spark.ncc.debug=true
--conf spark.com.nec.spark.ncc.o=3
--conf spark.com.nec.spark.ncc.openmp=false
--conf spark.com.nec.spark.ncc.extra-argument.0=-X
--conf spark.com.nec.spark.ncc.extra-argument.1=-Y

For safety, if an argument key is not recognized, it will fail to launch.

Clustering / resource support

A variety of options are available some are necessary for Spark.

Assinging resources

You must specify vector engines to be used in executors. There is no need to assign Vector Engines to the driver.

--conf spark.executor.resource.ve.amount=1

If using cluster-local mode also specify:

--conf spark.worker.resource.ve.amount=1

Specify this discovery pluging for detecting resources automatically

--conf spark.resources.discoveryPlugin=com.nec.ve.DiscoverVectorEnginesPlugin

Alternatively you can use a script if you want/need more control over which VE is assigned.

--conf spark.executor.resource.ve.discoveryScript=/opt/spark/getVEsResources.sh

Compilation lifecycle

The Spark Cyclone plugin will translate your Spark SQL queries into a C++ kernel to execute them on the Vector Engine.
Compilation can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple minutes. While insignificant if your queries take hours you can optimize the compilation time by specifying a directory to cache kernels using the following config.

Specify a directory to compile and cache kernels

If a suitable kernel exists in the directory, the Spark Cyclone plugin will use it and not compile a new one from scratch.

--conf spark.com.nec.spark.kernel.directory=/path/to/compilation/dir

Use a precompiled directory

You can also disable on-demand compilation by specifying a precompiled directory instead.

Note: If compilation is necessary to execute a query it will fail when used in this mode.

--conf spark.com.nec.spark.kernel.precompiled=/path/to/precompiled/dir

If neither are specified, then a random temporary directory will be used (not removed, however).


This is to batch ColumnarBatch together, to allow for larger input sizes into the VE. This may however use more on-heap and off-heap memory.

--conf spark.com.nec.spark.batch-batches=3

Default is 0, which is just to pass ColumnarBatch directly in.


This will try to pre-shuffle the data so that we only need to call the VE in one stage for aggregations. It might be more performant due to avoiding a coalesce/shuffle afterwards.

--conf spark.com.nec.spark.preshuffle-partitions=8

Sorting on Ve

By default all sorting is done on CPU, however there exists possibility to enable sorting on VE.

--conf spark.com.nec.spark.sort-on-ve=true
