
Final project of the POE COBOL

Primary LanguageCOBOL

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COBOL Project - Update accounts

Status GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests License

Atomic transactions of FLUX file orders

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

The purpose of this project is to apply FLUX changes if FLUX file is not corrupted.

🎈 Explanations


The purpose of GKCTRL01 is to check the FLUX file. If this file is corrupted or not. If FLUX is clean and ready to be used, GKCTRL01 do not manipulate RETURNCODE (RC=00)
Otherwise it gives :

  • RC = 1 : DDNAME issue
  • RC = 2 : Length DSNAME issue
  • RC = 3 : Other open file issue
  • RC = 4 : FileIN empty issue
  • RC = 5 : number operands != footer expected operands
  • RC = 7 : No header issue
  • RC = 8 : No footer issue

1t. TSTTRL01

Its purpose is to test all cases of GKCTRL01, to be sure that at any stage of the project, GKCTRL01 will assure its goal.


MAxxx are accessors routines that handle SQL request. xxx is replaced by :

  • CPT : Accessing ACCOUNT table
  • DEV : Accessing DEVISE table
  • HIS : Accessing HISTORY table
  • OPE : Accessing OPERATION table

Each accessor has authorisations to do particular requests :
You can find out those authorisation here : METHODS allowed

2t. TSTMAJ01

Its purpose is to check accessors' authorisations according to the check list above.


This routine check if everything in the action is OK, then update the account

4. GKMAJ001

This routine read file line by line to feed a data struct. Then call another MFMAJCPT to update account with actions interpreted on those lines.

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