CS 532 Final Project

This program reads in a dataset of used car pricing information, trains a random forest on that dataset, and then predicts the RV_percent (retained value percent) for each sample in the test data.


Code is contained in the file Pyspark_forest.py

Download dataset below and put it in the same directory as Pyspark_forest.py, and dataset file should be named: cleaned_data_CS532.csv

Link to data set that has been further cleaned (the one to use with the program): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X4a0lvQ9_nXYGUkL6uiyy5Zvu2wYlhEP/view?usp=sharing

Original Dataset from Kaggle (for reference but not the one to use with the program): https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/tunguz/used-car-auction-prices/data


Instructions for running code: in an Ubuntu VM with python and pip installed, install numpy and pandas. To run, use command python3 Pyspark_forest.py

By default, the program will train/fit the random forest model using 50 trees. To change this, either change the value of treeCount on line 35 of the program or provide a command line argument. For example, to run with 100 trees, use the command: python3 Pyspark_forest.py 100

The program will process the data and train a random forest regressor model and make predictions, then output the total runtime of the program, the data processing time, and the time for train/fit the random forest, make predictions, and evaluate the model.

Also, in our analysis for our presentation, referenced spark.apache.org/docs/2.2.0/mllib-ensembles.html to confirm that Pyspark Random Forest is able to train trees in parallel.