
Simple DiskSpace tool

Primary LanguageJava

Disk Space Tool

A user-friendly disk space profiler with a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows navigation through the file system.

How to run

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
  3. Run the main method in AppFrame.java

Supported features

  • Sorting by name/size
    • sorting
  • Navigation through directories (mouse click, Enter(go to selected directory) or backspace(go to parent directory) keys)
    • Navigation
  • Path input
    • Path_input
  • Go to parent directory button
    • Go_to_parent_directory
  • Sizes of directories asynchronously calculated and cells get updated when calculation is finished
    • Async_calculation


Java 17 and Swing are used for development.

I use JTable with custom Model to display the list of directories and their sizes. The AppFrame.java class stores the state of the application in private variables. It stores current directory using java.nio.file.Path and current Table's Model which stores the data. The state is updated, and the table is re-rendered when the user interacts with the application via button, input field or click on a directory.

To calculate the sizes of directories in the current directory (as shown in the table), I use the BackgroundTask.java for each directory. File sizes are immediately obtained via Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class).getSize(). The BackgroundTask is a SwingWorker that calculates the directory size asynchronously and updates the corresponding cell in the table when the calculation is complete. The calculation is performed using Files.walkFileTree(path, fileVisitor). When the state is updated, and the table's data is re-rendered, all previously launched BackgroundTasks get cancelled.