ITMO CT Java Advanced course
List of HW's:
- File walker
- File walker that calculates the hash sums of files in directories using PJW hash function
- ArraySet
- Class implements NavigableSet interface using ArrayList to store elements
- All operations on sets are performed with the highest possible asymptotic efficiency
- StudentDB
- Implemented a StudentDB class that performs search in students database using
Java Stream API
- Implemented a StudentDB class that performs search in students database using
- Implementor
- Implementor class that generates implementations of classes and interfaces using
Java Reflection
- Implementor class that generates implementations of classes and interfaces using
- Iterative Parallelism
- IterativeParallelism class processes lists in multiple threads.
- Supported opeations:
minimum(threads, list, comparator)
,maximum(threads, list, comparator)
,all(threads, list, predicate)
,any(threads, list, predicate)
,filter(threads, list, predicate)
,map(threads, list, function)
,join(threads, list)
- Parallel Mapper
- ParallelMapper class allows to run function
call in parallel on every specified argument - ParallelMapper creates
threads to perform runs in parallel - Tasks are stored in queue and performed in FIFO order
- ParallelMapper class allows to run function
- HelloUDP client and server
- Simple client and server that communicate over UDP
simultaneously sends requests using specified count of threadsHelloUDPServer
accepts requests sent by client and responds to them
- Nonblocking HelloUDP client and server
- Same as HelloUDP, but only using nonblocking input/output
- Implemented using