
Simple command line app to show how Java's UDP Sockets work

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Simple command line app to show how Java's UDP Sockets work

Available commands


    Shows help

connect | c [host] [port]

    Connects socket to [host]:[port]

exit | e

    Exit program

init | i [host] [port]

    Bounds socket to [host]:[port]

packet size | ps [packetsize]

    Sets socket packet size to [packetsize] bytes

read packets | rp [count]

    Reads [count] packet and prints output

read single packet | rsp

    Reads single packet and prints output

read to timeout | rtt

    Reads all available packets and prints output

send | s [text]

    Sends [text]

timeout | t [timeout]

    Sets socket timeout to [timeout] ms