
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Crypto currencies Ticker

How to run

git clone https://github.com/Emi-C/crpt.git

npm i

npm start

The project runs on port 8080

How it works

At Bootstrap the app loads first 100 crypto currencies ordered by rank from CoinMarketCap https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v2/ticker/ API and stores them in application state.

In the homepage user can load 10, 50, or 100 crypto currencies (unfortunately publicAPI doesn't allow to load all), on change of the dropdown selection we fire a new API call. The table displays data from the coins we got from API.

In the liquidity page user can see a zooming Scatter Chart of all the loaded cryptos, hovering on one spot, bigger or smaller according to absolute change in 24h, displays a Tooltip with basic coin information.

How it's made

Disclaimer: no 3rd party boilerplate was used to build this app

This ticker was built up by scratch, following this infrastructure made by me here React App Boilerplate.

I stripped all unnecessary stuff and kept just the essential: CSS is made from scratch, state mgmt is handled with Redux-Saga, and there's Babel transpiling, linting with ESlint, and Webpack is used for bundling and running the app.

The Chart is rendered using Victory.

Next step would be testing with jest.