This python script retrieves number of issues, comments, unique users (creators and commenters) and user locations (where explictly indicated), given the repositories specified in the config.yaml file and store the results in an output file.
In order to execute the script, you need to get the personal access token in GitHub and put it in the config.yaml file
The script has been executed on Python 3.9.8, dependencies can be installed via the requirements.txt file
Provide the information needed in the config.yaml file like repositories and token and just run:
The script will contact GitHub REST API in cascade, getting for each repostitory the list of issues (paginated), then for each issue get the creator and the number of comments, and for each creator and commenters retrieve, where possible, their locations.
During the execution, the script will use progress bar to show that the execution is on going, see
Use the link in the response header of the GitHub to go to next page issue, instead of using a counter:
look at multi processing to speed-up the script