
Provides extra recipes steps for dealing with omics data

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


experimental packageversion R-CMD-check

scimo provides extra recipes steps for dealing with omics data, while also being adaptable to other data types.


You can install scimo from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


The cheese_abundance dataset describes fungal community abundance of 74 Amplicon Sequences Variants (ASVs) sampled from the surface of three different French cheeses.

data("cheese_abundance", "cheese_taxonomy")

#> # A tibble: 9 × 77
#>   sample    cheese    rind_type asv_01 asv_02 asv_03 asv_04 asv_05 asv_06 asv_07 asv_08 asv_09 asv_10 asv_11 asv_12 asv_13 asv_14 asv_15 asv_16
#>   <chr>     <chr>     <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 sample1-1 Saint-Ne… Natural        1      0     38     40      1      2     31      8     15  20076    160     92     64     24     51      0
#> 2 sample1-2 Saint-Ne… Natural        3      4     38     61      4      4     48     14     20  32101    403    143    165     39    104      1
#> 3 sample1-3 Saint-Ne… Natural       28     16     33     23     31     29     21      1      7  12921    134     53     55     16     45      2
#> 4 sample2-1 Livarot   Washed         0      2      1      0      5      1      0      0      0   7823      2      0      0     42      0      2
#> 5 sample2-2 Livarot   Washed         0      0      4      0      1      1      2      0      0   6740      4      1      0     45      0      1
#> 6 sample2-3 Livarot   Washed         0      1      2      0      2      1      0      0      0   7484      6      1      0     43      0      7
#> 7 sample3-1 Epoisses  Washed         4      2      3      0      2      5      0      0      0   2486      1      1      1     23      0     24
#> 8 sample3-2 Epoisses  Washed         0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0   3686      2      0      0     28      0     54
#> 9 sample3-3 Epoisses  Washed         0      0      1      0      0      0      2      0      0   2988      2      1      0     22      0     36
#> # ℹ 58 more variables: asv_17 <dbl>, asv_18 <dbl>, asv_19 <dbl>, asv_20 <dbl>, asv_21 <dbl>, asv_22 <dbl>, asv_23 <dbl>, asv_24 <dbl>,
#> #   asv_25 <dbl>, asv_26 <dbl>, asv_27 <dbl>, asv_28 <dbl>, asv_29 <dbl>, asv_30 <dbl>, asv_31 <dbl>, asv_32 <dbl>, asv_33 <dbl>,
#> #   asv_34 <dbl>, asv_35 <dbl>, asv_36 <dbl>, asv_37 <dbl>, asv_38 <dbl>, asv_39 <dbl>, asv_40 <dbl>, asv_41 <dbl>, asv_42 <dbl>,
#> #   asv_43 <dbl>, asv_44 <dbl>, asv_45 <dbl>, asv_46 <dbl>, asv_47 <dbl>, asv_48 <dbl>, asv_49 <dbl>, asv_50 <dbl>, asv_51 <dbl>,
#> #   asv_52 <dbl>, asv_53 <dbl>, asv_54 <dbl>, asv_55 <dbl>, asv_56 <dbl>, asv_57 <dbl>, asv_58 <dbl>, asv_59 <dbl>, asv_60 <dbl>,
#> #   asv_61 <dbl>, asv_62 <dbl>, asv_63 <dbl>, asv_64 <dbl>, asv_65 <dbl>, asv_66 <dbl>, asv_67 <dbl>, asv_68 <dbl>, asv_69 <dbl>,
#> #   asv_70 <dbl>, asv_71 <dbl>, asv_72 <dbl>, asv_73 <dbl>, asv_74 <dbl>

#> Rows: 74
#> Columns: 9
#> $ asv     <chr> "asv_01", "asv_02", "asv_03", "asv_04", "asv_05", "asv_06", "asv_07", "asv_08", "asv_09", "asv_10", "asv_11", "asv_12", "asv_…
#> $ lineage <chr> "k__Fungi|p__Ascomycota|c__Dothideomycetes|o__Dothideales|f__Dothioraceae|g__Aureobasidium|s__Aureobasidium_Group_pullulans",…
#> $ kingdom <chr> "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi", "Fungi",…
#> $ phylum  <chr> "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota", "Ascomycota",…
#> $ class   <chr> "Dothideomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes", "Eurotiomycetes"…
#> $ order   <chr> "Dothideales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales", "Eurotiales"…
#> $ family  <chr> "Dothioraceae", "Aspergillaceae", "Aspergillaceae", "Aspergillaceae", "Aspergillaceae", "Aspergillaceae", "Aspergillaceae", "…
#> $ genus   <chr> "Aureobasidium", "Aspergillus", "Penicillium", "Penicillium", "Penicillium", "Penicillium", "Penicillium", "Penicillium", "Pe…
#> $ species <chr> "Aureobasidium Group pullulans", "Aspergillus fumigatus", "Penicillium Group camemberti caseifulvum fuscoglaucum commune", "P…
list_family <- split(cheese_taxonomy$asv, cheese_taxonomy$family)
head(list_family, 2)
#> $Aspergillaceae
#> [1] "asv_02" "asv_03" "asv_04" "asv_05" "asv_06" "asv_07" "asv_08" "asv_09"
#> $Debaryomycetaceae
#>  [1] "asv_10" "asv_11" "asv_12" "asv_13" "asv_14" "asv_15" "asv_16" "asv_17" "asv_18" "asv_19" "asv_20" "asv_21" "asv_22"

The following recipe will

  1. aggregate the ASV variables at the family level, as defined by list_family;
  2. transform counts into proportions;
  3. discard variables those p-values are above 0.05 with a Kruskal-Wallis test against cheese.
rec <-
  recipe(cheese ~ ., data = cheese_abundance) %>% 
                      list_agg = list_family, fun_agg = sum) %>%
  step_rownormalize_tss(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% 
                      outcome = "cheese", cutoff = 0.05) %>%

#> ── Recipe ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs
#> Number of variables by role
#> outcome:    1
#> predictor: 76
#> ── Training information
#> Training data contained 9 data points and no incomplete rows.
#> ── Operations
#> • Aggregation of: asv_01, asv_02, asv_03, asv_04, asv_05, asv_06, asv_07, asv_08, asv_09, asv_10, asv_11, asv_12, asv_13, ... | Trained
#> • TSS normalization on: Aspergillaceae, Debaryomycetaceae, Dipodascaceae, Dothioraceae, Lichtheimiaceae, Metschnikowiaceae, ... | Trained
#> • Kruskal filtering against cheese on: Aspergillaceae, Debaryomycetaceae, Dipodascaceae, Dothioraceae, Lichtheimiaceae, ... | Trained

#> # A tibble: 9 × 8
#>   sample    rind_type cheese         Debaryomycetaceae Dipodascaceae Saccharomycetaceae Saccharomycetales fam Incertae sedi…¹ Trichosporonaceae
#>   <fct>     <fct>     <fct>                      <dbl>         <dbl>              <dbl>                                 <dbl>             <dbl>
#> 1 sample1-1 Natural   Saint-Nectaire            0.719         0.0684           0.113                                 0.00130           0.000702
#> 2 sample1-2 Natural   Saint-Nectaire            0.715         0.0725           0.119                                 0.000801          0.000628
#> 3 sample1-3 Natural   Saint-Nectaire            0.547         0.277            0.0938                                0.000289          0.00239 
#> 4 sample2-1 Washed    Livarot                   0.153         0.845            0.000854                              0                 0.000349
#> 5 sample2-2 Washed    Livarot                   0.150         0.848            0.00106                               0                 0.000176
#> 6 sample2-3 Washed    Livarot                   0.160         0.837            0.00108                               0                 0.000212
#> 7 sample3-1 Washed    Epoisses                  0.0513        0.944            0.00327                               0                 0.000140
#> 8 sample3-2 Washed    Epoisses                  0.0558        0.941            0.00321                               0                 0.000176
#> 9 sample3-3 Washed    Epoisses                  0.0547        0.942            0.00329                               0                 0.000125
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​`Saccharomycetales fam Incertae sedis`

To see which variables are kept and the associated p-values, you can use the tidy method on the third step:

tidy(rec, 3)
#> # A tibble: 13 × 4
#>    terms                                    pv kept  id                  
#>    <chr>                                 <dbl> <lgl> <chr>               
#>  1 Aspergillaceae                       0.0608 FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  2 Debaryomycetaceae                    0.0273 TRUE  select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  3 Dipodascaceae                        0.0273 TRUE  select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  4 Dothioraceae                         0.101  FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  5 Lichtheimiaceae                      0.276  FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  6 Metschnikowiaceae                    0.0509 FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  7 Mucoraceae                           0.0608 FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  8 Phaffomycetaceae                     0.0794 FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#>  9 Saccharomycetaceae                   0.0273 TRUE  select_kruskal_WKayj
#> 10 Saccharomycetales fam Incertae sedis 0.0221 TRUE  select_kruskal_WKayj
#> 11 Trichomonascaceae                    0.0625 FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj
#> 12 Trichosporonaceae                    0.0273 TRUE  select_kruskal_WKayj
#> 13 Wickerhamomyceteae                   0.177  FALSE select_kruskal_WKayj


protection stack overflow error

If you have a very large dataset, you may encounter this error:

recipe(disease ~ ., data = pedcan_expression) %>% 
    step_select_cv(all_numeric_predictors(), prop_kept = 0.1) 
#> Error: protect(): protection stack overflow

It is linked to how R handles many variables in formulas. To solve it, pass only the dataset to recipe() and manually update roles with update_role(), like in the example below:

recipe(pedcan_expression) %>% 
  update_role(disease, new_role = "outcome") %>% 
  update_role(-disease, new_role = "predictor") %>% 
  step_select_cv(all_numeric_predictors(), prop_kept = 0.1) 
#> ── Recipe ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Inputs
#> Number of variables by role
#> outcome:       1
#> predictor: 19196
#> ── Operations
#> • Top CV filtering on: all_numeric_predictors()

Steps for variable selection

Like colino, scimo proposes 3 arguments for variable selection steps based on a statistic: n_kept, prop_kept and cutoff.

  • n_kept and prop_kept deal with how many variables will be kept in the preprocessed dataset, based on an exact count of variables or a proportion relative to the original dataset. They are mutually exclusive.

  • cutoff removes variables whose statistic is below (or above, depending on the step) it. It could be used alone or in addition to the two others.


scimo doesn’t introduce any additional dependencies compared to recipes.