The installation is done using helm chart:
helm install kafka-cluster
The chart will install zookeeper and kafka clusters as StatefulSets, configure needed services and monitoring.
Installation in OpenShift can be done using provided openshift templates. For details see openshift/
## kafka.imageRegistry is the address of the container image registry to use
# imageRegistry:
## kafka.pullPolicy is the kubernetes policy to use for pulling images: Always, IfNotPresent, Never
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## kafka.image is the name of kafka container image to use
image: nbogojevic/kafka
## kafka.tag is the tag of kafka container image to use
tag: latest
## kafka.serviceName is the service name used by clients to find the cluster
serviceName: kafka
## kafka.dnsName is the name used by StatefulSet to identify instances
dnsName: broker
## kafka.nodes is set to number of nodes in kafka cluster
nodes: 3
## kafka.jvmFlags are default java options to use with kafka
jvmFlags: -Xmx1G
## kafka.storageSize is the default size of storage when using persistent volumes
storageSize: 2GiB
## kafka.persistent is set to true to use persitent volumes
persistent: false
## set to true if clients must authenticate. Only supports plaintext SASL mechanism.
secured: true
## set to true if communication with kafka should be encrypted. TODO certificate management
# tls: false
# Set to true if topics can be deleted.
deleteTopicEnable: false
# Then name of the admin user. If not specified a random name is generated.
#adminUser: admin
# Then name of the admin password. If not specified a random password is generated.
#adminPassword: secret-password
# Then name of the client user. If not specified a random name is generated.
#clientUser: client
# Then name of the client password. If not specified a random password is generated.
#clientPassword: secret-password
zookeeperService: zookeeper
# Default timeout in ms when connecting to zookeeper
zookeperTimeout: 6000
## kafka.nodeSelector can be set with node labels to use when choosing nodes to deploy
## zookeeper.imageRegistry is the address of the container image registry to use
# imageRegistry:
## kafka.pullPolicy is the kubernetes policy to use for pulling images: Always, IfNotPresent, Never
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## zookeeper.image is the name of zookeeper container image to use
image: nbogojevic/zookeeper
## zookeeper.tag is the tag of zookeeper container image to use
tag: latest
## zookeeper.serviceName is the service name used by clients to find the cluster
serviceName: zookeeper
## zookeeper.dnsName is the name used by StatefulSet to identify instances
dnsName: zoo
## zookeeper.nodes is set to number of nodes in zookeeper cluster
nodes: 3
## zookeeper.jvmFlags are default java options to use with kafka
jvmFlags: -Xmx512m
## zookeeper.nodeSelector can be set with node labels to use when choosing nodes to deploy
## applicationName is the default name of the application
applicationName: kafka-cluster
## hawkular is set to true to enable hawkular metrics
hawkular: false
## prometheus is set to true to enable prometheus metrics
prometheus: true
## jolokia is set to true if jolokia JMX endpoint should be exposed
jolokia: true
## jolokiaUsername is set to the name of jolokia user for basic authentication
# jolokiaUsername: jolokia
## jolokiaPassword can be set to the password to use. If not specified, a random password is generated
# jolokiaPassword: jolokia
Kafka runs as a Kubernetes StatefulSet (or PetSet in older versions - helm chart automatically chooses the supported resource type).
Kafka can be run with or without persitent volumes.
When running with persitent volumes, the data is saved on the instance or the node crash. When running without persitent volumes, the data is stored locally on the node a kubernetes node loss may result in data loss, so high-availability and resiliency should be supported by kafka mechanisms, e.g. setting replication factor sufficiently high.
As for best performances, one might perfer specific local storage characteristics (SSD), helm chart allows usage of node selector to select instances where kafka would be deployed.
Default kafka container image is based on fabric8/s2i-java image. The docker build is located in docker-kafka/.
Zookeeper also runs as a Stateful Set.
Zookeeper uses local storage, so if you lose your zookeeper cluster, kafka will be unaware that persisted topics exist. The topic data is still present on kafka brokers, but you will need to re-create topics. This can be done using kafka-operator.
Default zookeeper container image is based on fabric8/s2i-java image. The docker build is located in docker-zookeeper/.
The startup script in docker images will detect if prometheus jmx_exporter, jolokia or agant-bond are installed and enable them. Each image is pre-configured to expose relevant JMX MBeans via prometheus jmx_exporter.
If prometheus is enabled via helm variables, StatefulSet pods will be annotated with standard prometheus scraping annotations.
Building docker images:
docker build docker-kafka -t nbogojevic/kafka -f docker-kafka/Dockerfile
docker build docker-zookeeper -t nbogojevic/zookeeper -f docker-zookeeper/Dockerfile
Checking helm chart:
helm init
helm lint kafka-cluster
helm install kafka-cluster