Hi there 👋

I'm Emile, a French full-stack & blockchain developer and software engineer.

My projects

Main projects

  • live.24hisere.fr - A web application for live tracking of runners' rankings and performances during a 24-hour race - NestJS, React, Typescript, Prisma, MariaDB
  • leQuiz.io - A real time multiplayer quiz platform - React, Node.js, socket.io, PostgreSQL
  • OpenSubs - An NFT marketplace that enables peer to peer rental of subscriptions to online service platforms thanks to the ERC4907 standard (project for Alyra certification) - Solidity, React, Typescript, Firebase

Side projects

Miscellaneous contributions

OpenIV French translation

...and so many other tests, experiments and archives that you can find on my profile.

My skills

Programming languages

Typescript Javascript Node.JS Solidity PHP SQL

Frameworks and libraries

React Nest.js Prisma Ethers.js Discord.js Symfony

Tools & other

Docker pnpm Git GitHub GitHub Actions GitLab Hardhat Vercel OpenAPI Sass

What I would like to try

Tailwind CSS Vue.js Nuxt SolidJS

How to reach me

📧 calixte.emile@gmail.com