Swap faces from a picture with a set of faces from choice
sudo apt-get install inkscape
# probably need openCv too:
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
cd FaceSwap/source
./faceswap --dest=~/faceswap-picture-here.png
Build faceswap from source Linux:
#the submodule is only needed when building opencv from source
git clone https://github.com/EmileSonneveld/FaceSwap
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
cd FaceSwap/source
cmake .
Build opencv from source:
# be in the faceswap folder
cd ./opencv
mkdir release
cd release
# wait some minutes
sudo make install
The file structure is pretty rigid and goes as follow:
- source -- must execute from here
- faceswap -- executable
- photos_orig -- for the sake of path's in the SVG file I advised to place your pictures here
- photos_result_png -- the resulting png picture
- photo_result -- will cointain the svg's
- *.svg -- refers to images with relative paths
- photo_heads -- contains the photos's that will be put on the faces
- *.png
- haarcascades -- image recongnition data
Note to self: Next time, don't use c++. Go for python instead