
This is a small programming language I'm working on mostly in school, its like c with the quality of life and syntax similar to ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a small programming language I'm working on mostly in school, its like c with the quality of life and syntax similar to ruby

planed syntax for basic functionality

general goals

I dont like symbols much and want to avid them as much as posible, that means ruby/lua style end statments instead of curly braces, also no unnececary parenthesies where some languages require them and no pointless commas like in python.

the language will of course also not have any semi colons for obvious reasons.

vairiables and functions

vairiables and functions work like they do in c, type then name.

global vairiables

int someInt = 0
float someFloat = 1.0

function definitions

int main(void)
    //code here

if and else

basic if statment

if a < b
    //do stuff

else and elif

if a == b
    //do stuff
elif a * 2 >= b
    //do other stuffs
    //do the other other styff


all types of loops use the same loop keyword and only change based on the content of the loop

while loop, works if the loop keyword gets a boolean function

loop a < b
    //looped styff

c style for loops, the initial value is just declared outside the loop, its more readable and a lot easier to implement lol, yet again if the first statment in the loop is a boolean function will it work like a while loop, statment after is where you would write your incrementor function

int x = 0
loop x < 10, x++
    //for loop contents

there is also the more pythonic array loop that iterates through an array

loop someArray
    //array stuff

and the reversed keyword to loop the array in reverse

loop reversed someArray
    //array things