Data Science Projects Portfolio

Deep learning :

Project -- Yelp Multi Label Classification

Build a model that will predict 9 labels purely (good_for_lunch, good_for_dinner, takes_reservations, outdoor_seating...) from the business photos uploaded by users. (Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, API kaggle)

Project -- Object Detection with YoloV3

The detection of objects in an image with Yolov3. (learn how to set up an environment and use a Github project)

Project -- Real or Not? NLP with Disaster Tweets

The problem to be solved by this capstone project is how to identify which tweets are about ‘real disasters’ and which one’s aren’t. This project will use data science approach to build a machine learning classifier model to predict which tweets are about ‘real disasters’ and which one’s aren’t. (LSTM, NLP, Spacy, NLTK, Deep Learning)

Machine learning supervised & unsupervised :

Project -- Predicting Credit Card Approvals

Build a machine learning model that can predict if an individual's application for a credit card will be accepted. (Logistic Regression)

Project -- Conversion Rate

Build a model that will predict the conversion rate of customers on a website and make recommendations to our marketing team in order to increase our revenue. (Data visualization, Logistic Regression, Random Sampling, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, Random Forest, SmoteTomek)

Project -- Fraudulent Activities

Build a model that will predict whether the purchase of a piece of clothing should be considered a fraudulent transaction or not. (Machines Learning Models, Bokeh Map, Adaaboost, XGboost, Staking, Voting, PCA with SMOTETomel, Evaluation report)

Project -- Uber Pickups

Give recommendations as to where drivers should be in order to maximize their chances of finding a race on schedule and build model to predict number of trips by hours. (K-means, DBSCAN, ARIMA, SARIMA)

Project -- SMS Spam (With Flask)

Create an application that will allow the user to enter an SMS into a form, read this message and predict whether this text is SPAM or not.(Flask)

Data visualization :

Mini-Project -- Exploring 67 years of LEGO

Analyze a fascinating dataset on every single lego block that has ever been built!

Project -- Speed Dating

A descriptive analysis of the main factors that influence getting a second appointment. (Data Visualization, Clean Dataset, Storytelling)

Thanks to the Jedha team and my classmates.