The "genSub" record for EPICS 3.14

There are 4 directories in this tar file.

capfast - Contains: The 6 "genSub" capfast symbols.
                    The "edb.def" entries.

          If using Capfast:
          (1) Copy the symbols: capfast/*.sym to the relevant location.
          (Probably $EPICS/extensions/src/edif/lib/sym)
          (2) Add the lines in: capfast/edb.def to your edb.def file.
          (Probably this resides in $EPICS/extensions/src/edif/lib)

docs    - Contains the EPICS Record Reference Manual for the record.

src     - Contains the 3.14 source file and database definition file for 
          version 1.6 of the genSub record.

example - Contains two further directories:
          (Note: this example code has NOT been ported to 3.14).

           pinfo.h    - Example structure to transfer between two records.
           send.c     - Process routine which runs in the sending genSub record.
           send.db    - Database which contains two genSub's. This is an example of
                        passing data within an IOC.
           send.sch   - Capfast schematic of the above database. 

           pinfo.h    - As above.
           listen.c   - Process routine which runs in the 'genSub' record in the
                        receiving IOC.
           listen.db  - Database which contains a single genSub. Load this is a 
                        different IOC to send.db.
           listen.sch - Capfast schematic of the above.

These files are meant to provide an example of how to use the 'genSub' record.
In the "sending" database, a genSub record puts out values on 4 links. On the first
link is an array of 5 doubles. On the second link is a user defined structure (defined
in pinfo.h). On the third link is an array of 4 strings. On the fourth link is a 
single LONG value.
Also, in the "sending" database is a second 'genSub' record which receives the data
across database links.

In the "receiving" database, a single 'genSub' record gets the values via Channel Access
links as they are pushed/pulled from the "sending" database. Links A, B and C are 
pushed into the receiving database. Link D is pulled across from the sending database.

Andy Foster
Observatory Sciences Limited    Email:
William James House             Tel: 44 - (0)1223 - 508259
Cowley Road                     Fax: 44 - (0)1223 - 508258
Cambridge, CB4 0WX, UK