
NewsApp RESTful API with Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava


The NewsApp is a RESTful API developed with Spring Boot, powered by Java 17.

Technology Stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Web
  • Lombok
  • Data JPA + PostgreSQL, Hibernate

Verified API using Postman.

API Image

REST Service

Created Methods

Method Endpoint Description
POST /users Create users
GET /users/{userId} Retrieve user by ID
DELETE /users/del?id={userId} Delete user by ID
POST /news?userId={userId} Create news by user
PUT /news/{newsId}?userId={userId} Update news by ID
GET /news/{id} Retrieve news by ID
GET /news/all?page={page}&size={size} Retrieve all news with pagination
DELETE /news/del?id={id} Delete news by ID

Note: Deleting a user will also delete all associated news.


Databases are created during the build process using Hibernate. A simplified view of the database creation is as follows:

DB Image

The databases have been streamlined to two: news and user.