
drink, drunk and up!

Primary LanguageRuby


Let's get high!

(How to) Start a drinkup

Basic steps

  • Choose the template for your drinkup
  • Checkout a new branch based on one of the template- branchs, make sure the new branch name obeys LOCATION-DATE convention, the name is important for your attendees
  • Modify the drinkup.json according to your settings
  • [optional] Modify the template/ui-style according to your taste
  • Send invitation to your friends!
  • [optional] Make your branch a template, so everyone else to use it as well, do pick a cool name, like template-doom-day


This json file stores the configuration for this drinkup

Sample config

    "time": "April 28th - April 30th, 2013",
    "when": "Catlife",
    "subject": "Drinkup & Hackathon"


  • place. Where?
  • time. When?
  • subject. What are we cheering for?

Avaliable templates

Templates are branches named in the convention of template-.

Dummy template

Branch name template-dummy

  • Design & implemented by HF
  • Sample Screencasts

(How to) Join a drinkup

Basic steps

  • Fork this repo, and find the drinkup branch you are interested in
  • The drinkup branch follows the convention of LOCATION-DATE, for example, drinkup that takes place in HIT at April of 2013 is named as hit-201304
  • Create a json file named as YOUR_GITHUB_LOGIN.json
  • Fill the json file according to void-main.json
  • Push the json file to your own remote repo
  • Send us a pull-request to the right branch

Sign up sheet

Sample sheet

    "github-id" : "552990",
    "avaliable-time" : [0, 1, 2],
    "capability-of-alcohol" : 2,
    "skills-of-interest" : ["python", "ruby", "android"]


  • github-id. Inner id of your github account, or login name of github
  • avaliable-time. The drinkup's date index you are avaliable, the index starts from 0. For example, if the activity lasts 2 days, the whole avaliable-time is [0, 1].
  • capability-of-alcohol. How many bottles of beer can you drink?
  • skills-of-interest. JSON array of the skills that you are interested in