
This is basic implementation of a crowdfunding contract in Solidity and some Truffle tests.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Crowdfinding Contract

This is a basic crowdfinding contract created for testing features of Solidity. While it works, it is not intended for production use. Below are the setup instructions and some suggestions for improvement:


  1. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  2. Compile the contract using Truffle by running truffle compile.
  3. Run unit tests with truffle test.

Important Note

This contract is intended for educational and testing purposes. It may not have all the necessary security features for production use. If you plan to use it in a production environment, consider implementing additional security measures and thoroughly testing it.


Feel free to contribute by writing more unit tests or improving different sections of the code. Your contributions can help make this contract more robust and suitable for real-world use.