
bundle for control Supervisor

Primary LanguagePHPDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Supervisor Control Bundle

SensioLabsInsight Scrutinizer Quality Score


This bundle for quick configure and usage separate instance of supervisord.

All Symfony2 commands run supervisor from kernel.root dir path. If use config created by supervisor:init use local configure file.

install default by composer:

"ivan1986/supervisor": "*",

Initialize the bundle:

new Ivan1986\SupervisorBundle\SupervisorBundle(),

Bundle has commands:

  • supervisor:init
    • create supervisord.conf file and supervisor folder in app folder
  • supervisor:run
    • check instance of supervisord and run it if need
    • add this command to cron - simple quick watchdog for supervisord
  • supervisor:control
    • run any supervisorCtl command
  • supervisor:gen
    • generate simple programm section for symfony2 console command

Example code for rabbitmq scale workers.

$this->get('supervisor')->genProgrammConf('worker', array(
    'name' => 'worker',
    'command' => 'rabbitmq:consumer sender',
    'numprocs' => $this->getNeedWorkersCount(),

Service supervisor may run daemon, execute any command, and generate files for supervisord.

Also supervisord run with -i, configured by parameter. Without this list of /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/supervisord in process list - great looking :)