
Peer to Peer programming platform to help users get better at technical interviews through collaboratively solving timed programming challenges

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Project Description

Pair programming platform randomly matching similarly skilled users to solve timed randomly generated programming challenges

How it works

Users can signup creating a profile click on a button immediately matching them to another user. This action redirects the user to a code-editor and initiates an audio voice chat between both matched users. These users are then given a predefined period of time to solve randomly retrieved programming challenges.


This platform is designed to enable bootcamp students and other learners better prepare for technical interviews through pair programming. The process helps users get more comfortable communicating their logic to other stakeholders while simultaneously improving their problem-solving skills.

How to run locally

  • git clone the repository
  • cd into peerplatform (NB)
  • to run backend follow these steps (not backend has been deployed, you don't need to run this locally):
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
  • cd into peerplatform-fe
  • run npm i --legacy-peer-deps
  • run npm start to start frontend


The backend is built on Django and comprises three apps; accounts, signup and voice_chat


The accounts folder/app comprises of two models; 1 being an extension of the custom Django user model enabling us to store additional information about a user namely their city, country, bio and profile picture. The accounts model also comprises of a model enabling us to create and store programming challenges. These models are registered in admin.py in order for us to interact with these data-tables in the admin panel.


Signup primarily houses the code creating an API to be consumed by our React frontend app. Our API enables us to create a user and edit their profile information. urls.py contains all API endpoints related to our API

Voice Chat:

Voice chat contains all backend code pertaining to our drop in audio chat. The file urls.py contains all API end points related to this API.


The front end is built purely on React. All code related to the frontend is contained in the folder; peerplatform-fe.

Inside src you will find these folders:


Users signup, creating a new user profile. Authentication is token based and handled using Redux. Once users have been authenticated they are redirected back to the Home Page.

Users have access to the User profile, this is a protected view that is only accessible for authenticated users. Once users click on their profile, they have the abilty to update their profile information. Specifically, users can update their; profile picture, first name, last name and location.

Users who wish to pair program can click on the 'Join Waiting Room' button. This component, sends a list of all users who are ready to be matched to a Redis cache, retrieves this list and sets the local state with a list of all users available for a pair programming session. This component also interacts with a RESTful API creating a Twilio token for each user.

Once the state has been updated, the user is redirected to the waiting room. Here the user is matched with another user waiting to be matched, requests are made to a RESTful API instructing Twilio to create a conference call named after the two matched users. These users are redirected to their respective pair programming sessions.

Upon navigating to their pair programming sessions, a Twilio conference call commencces connecting the two matched users. Based on the time of the day, one of the users is selected as the 'Driver' of the pair programming session. The Driver is responsible for writing the code in the online IDE, while the observer has read only access to the IDE. The Driver selects a level of difficulty for the programming challenge. This triggers a 'GET' request to a RESTful API in Django that interacts with a MongoDB database containing 2000 programming challenges. Depending on the level of difficulty selected, the backend interacts with a custom end point that triggers a SQL script that will retrieve a random programming challenge from the DB. This is received in the backend and sent back to the frontend.

When the Driver receives the programming challenge, the challenge is sent to the observer through a websocket, with an event listener waiting for a specific signal to read and update one of the states for the observer storing the programming challenge. This is then rendered on the observer's side bar.

When the Driver types into the IDE, we wait for the Driver to stop typing for a few seconds before sending the code typed into the IDE through the websocke to the observer in order to synchronize states between both users ensuring the observer sees the code the Driver has typed into the IDE.

Files outside of folders

App.js: Redirected users to different components based on url App.test.js: Need to create tests AxiosApi.js: Axios create with auth tokens index.js: Renders App.js Reducer.js: Combining signup and login reducers Root.js: Set local storage with auth token if empty upon signup routes.js: Routes for profile page and Table


Built using: Django, React and Redis

Django Dependencies: requirements.txt (Let me know if there are packages not included in requirements.txt)

Feature Breakdown

How different features work (this will help with future debugging/refactoring)


This platform uses the driver-observer paradigm. One user is the driver while the other remains the observer. The driver has full access to the code editor (read and write), while the observer has read only access. This helps us maintain some order in the pair programming session, allowing one user to focus on the logic required to solve the problem, while the other user translates the logic to code.

The driver is stored in state driverInState. We use Context API to store and pass this state down to multiple components that require this. The state is contained in AuthContext.

Inside Room, a the function where the driver of the call is selected is contained in a useEffect. The function selectDriver updates the state, by calling the function sortUsersAlphabetically - this function is also contained in AuthContext. The sortUsersAlphabetically, takes two arguments (the name of both users).

The sortUsersAlphabetically function gets the current date, checks if the date is divisible by 2; if it is, it returns the array of names sorted alphabetically, if not it reverses the order of the names. The first name is this returned output is selected as the Driver.

We use the sortUsersAlphabetically to avoid having the same Driver all the time when the same two users are matched together and avoid any potential issues that could arise from having users select who the driver is between both of them

Road Map

Collate user feedback and make changes

The current priority is to test the platform with live users, collate their feedback and fix any major issues that need to be resolved to get the platform more functional. This will include UI changes based on what users find more appealing and what is realistically feasible to implement


Programmatically test; if the Twilio call is actually starting when two users are matched, if users are receiving the programming challenge, if the code editor terminal produces the expected output based on the code executed, if users can update their profile picture, if users are not receiving the same programming challenge over and over again, if the matching process works as intended in all circumstances

Leadership Board

When users complete the pair programming session, they get rated by their peers on communication + collaboration + problem solving skills. I would like to build a real time leadership board to show how users rank and include the feature to filter for users in the leadership board by bootcamp/college + have a total ranking for each college/bootcamp (this is further down the line) Possible Solutions: ElastiCache for Redis

Autograder (Maybe)

Building or integrating an existing autograder to test whether code executed produces expected output

User Dashboard

Enable users to track their pair programming session scores and be able to visualize which questions they do better in/struggle with. This would require tagging questions I have by category (ie. binary search tree, linkedlist, dynamic programming etc.)

Tool Related Challenges

Enable users to select between receiving Leetcode style questions versus questions based on specific tools. So if for example you chose React; you would get a question regarding debugging some React related issue (would need to see how feasible this is)

Refactor Old Code

Improve efficiency, remove redundancy and clean up code.

#Built by: Emmanuel Sibanda