
A 5 Week Long Web Learning Program

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Mentor Program

A 5 Week Long Web Learning Program
Web Mentor Program is a (5 week long) training program for people who want to enhance and develop their skills and expertise in the domain of web development. It is a free of cost initiative done with the sole purpose of instilling good development skills in individuals.
The program comprises of 5 tasks distributed over each week, each task will be disclosed on Sunday in the webinar.

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How to finish tasks?

Read CONTRIBUTING.md for guidelines.


Week Number Topic Covered Task To complete Difficulty
Week 1 HTML Make a basic form using HTML Beginner
Week 2 CSS Coming Soon Intermediate
Week 3 MaterializeCSS Coming Soon Beginner
Week 4 JavaScript/DOM Manipulation Coming Soon Intermediate
Week 5 API Calls Coming Soon Intermediate

Read the Task Description Section to know more about the tasks.

The Plan of Action

There will be a webinar each weekend which you can use as a kicstart to the topic of the week. Try to complete the tasks allotted each week.


  1. HTML and CSS by Jon Duckett
  2. W3Schools - HTML
  3. W3Schools - CSS
  4. W3Schools - JS
  5. FreeCodeCamp
  6. JavaScript Tutorial Video - FCC

Feel free to add more and open a PR :)

Task 1 - HTML

Implement an HTML form based on your own creativity

Use W3Schools forms section for help - https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp

For reference, see this sample form - (coming soon)