
Verifies and decodes an AWS Cognito JWT token.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Verifies and decodes an AWS Cognito JWT token.


npm install --save cognito-jwt-verifier

yarn add cognito-jwt-verifier


Simple example:

const CognitoJwtVerifier = require("cognito-jwt-verifier");
let verifier = new CognitoJwtVerifier();

	token: 'AwsCognitoToken',
	aws_region: 'us-east-1',
	userpool_id: 'AwsUserpoolId',
	userpool_client_id: 'AwsUserpoolClientId'
	// Token is valid
	// Token is invalid or another error occurred

What it does

This package is based on information from the following AWS documention: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/decode-verify-cognito-json-token/

It performs the following tasks:

  1. Reads the kid(key ID) from the token header, and uses it to retrieve the correct public key from AWS.
  2. Uses the public key and the token to verify the token signature, using jsonwebtoken.
  3. Checks that the token expiry timestamp is still a time in the future.
  4. Checks that the aud token property matches the ID of the intended AWS userpool client.

If you believe there may be a security flaws in this implementation, please open an issue ASAP.



verifyToken({ token, aws_region, userpool_id, userpool_client_id })

  • token (string) - The AWS Cognito token to be verified.
  • aws_region (string) - The AWS region the userpool is located in.
  • userpool_id (string) - The ID of the userpool to be verified against.
  • userpool_client_id (string) - The ID of the userpool client to be verified against.

returns a promise:

  • Resolves with: (Object) The decoded JWT token.