
Power Learn Project web technologies hackathon assignment

Primary LanguageHTML


This event is designed to test your skills in HTML elements, including HTML structure, paragraphs, links, images, forms, and CSS. Whether you're a total beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, this hackathon will provide you with an opportunity to practice and showcase your abilities.


1. HTML Structure

Objective: Create the basic structure of an HTML document.

2. Paragraphs & Headings

Objective: Understand how to structure and format text using paragraph tags.

3. Links

Objective: Learn how to create hyperlinks to navigate between pages.

4. Images

Objective: Incorporate images into your web page.

5. Forms

Objective: Understand how to create forms for user input.

6. CSS Styling

Objective: Apply styles to your HTML elements using CSS.

Submission Guidelines

Fork this repository and clone it to your local machine. Create a new branch with your GitHub username (git checkout -b username). Complete each task within the provided HTML file (index.html) and CSS file (styles.css). Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository. Submit a pull request to the main repository for review.

Happy hacking! 🚀