@author: Emmanuel Jojy @ NB: Specific programs usually ones dealing with dynamic memory allocation contains a special function exit_free() for purpose of free'ing all allocated memory. Memory Debuggers might throw errors if former not present. valgrind via wsl. readme.txt - Readme file. Indexing. p01_1708.c - Insertion and deletion to array p02_1708.c - String comparison and concatenation p03_1708.c - Check for palindrome string p04_2408.c - Stack implementation. p05_0909.c - Infix to Postfix p06_0909.c - Postfix Evaluvation comb0506.c - p05_0909 && p06_0909 p07_1409.c - Infix to Prefix p08_1409.c - Prefix Evaluvation comb0708.c - p07_1409 && p08_1409 p09_2209.c - Queue Implementation. p10_2209.c - Circular Queue Implementation. p11_2809.c - Double Ended Queue Implementation. p12_1007.c - Sparse Matrix p13_1110.c - Polynomial representation. p14_1910.c - Search Algorithms p15_2110.c - SLL Singly Linked List p16_2510.c - DLL Doubly Linked List p17_2910.c - CSLL Circular Singly Linked List. ~! p18_2910.c - CDLL Circular Doubly Linked List p19_1511.c - Stack implementation. Dynamic p20_1511.c - Queue implementation. Dynamic p21_1511.c - Polynomial implementation. Dynamic p22_0312.c - Binary Tree p23_0312.c - Binary Tree. Dynamic p24_0312.c - Binary Search Tree. Dynamic p25_0912.c - Standard Sorting Algorithms p26_2812.c - Heap Tree and Sort p27_0601.c - Graph implementation and Traversal ## Archived Repository Notice: It has been decided the repository be archived after long-time inactivity. The repository will be archived on the July 1st, 2023.