
This application helps you manage all your account credentials.You create an account to be able to store your other account's credentials.When you want to login your respective social media account e.g facebook you can login to this application and copy the password or save it.alternatively request for password to be generated which will then be stored.You can then proceed to your facebook account and reset password to the new password.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Password Locker is a python CLI (command line interface) application that manages login credentials for various accounts that require passwords i.e. usernames and passwords. Store-Passwords also generates randomn fully-encrypted alphanumeric mixed with special characters password(s) that the user can copy and paste into their accounts upon signup.

User Stories

These are the behaviours/features that the application implements for use by a user.

As a user I would like:

  • To create an account with his or her details i.e log in and password
  • Store my existing login credentials
  • Generate a password for a new credential/account
  • Copy my credentials to the clipboard


Behaviour Input Output
Abbreviations for navigation On The terminal: $./app.py Welcome, choose an option: ca-Create Account and li-Log In
Display prompt for creating an account Enter: ca Enter your prefered user name and password
Display prompting user to login in Enter: li Enter your username and password
Abbreviations for navigation Checked In Choose an option: cc - Create Credential, dc - Display Credentials, cp- Copy password, ex - exit, gp- generate password ,delete credential
Display prompting user to create a credential Enter: cc Enter the Account name, your username and password
Display a list of credentials Enter: dc Displays all saved credentials
Display prompting for which credential to copy password Enter: cp Enter the Account name of the credential you wish to copy.
Generate Password Enter: gp Here is your password : EVK£mm6bP
search by Account Name the credential that you wish to delete Enter: del Account Deleted Successfully!!!
Exit application Enter: ex Exit the Application

SetUp / Installation Requirements

You Need to Install the Following in order for the application to work

  • python3.6
  • pip
  • pyperclip


  • In your terminal:

      $ git clone https://github.com/emmanuel/store-passwords/
      $ cd store-passwords

Running the Application

  • To run the application, in your terminal:

      $ chmod +x app.py
      $ ./app.py

Testing the Application

  • To run the tests for the class file:

      $ python3.6 password_locker_test.py

Technologies Used

  • Python3.6


MIT ©2019 Emmanuel Muchiri

Emmanuel Muchiri