
A simple website to show ranked locks according to r/lockpicking ranking. All the credit for the ranking system go to the staff of r/lockpicking!


As of now the module is able to help in the following scenarios:

  • ✅ Easily filtering by model name and belt ranking
  • ✅ Retrieving general information about a lock (photo, manufacturer, country of the manufacturer)
  • ✅ Use the API for custom software


UI Quick testing

At the time of writing you can test the GUI just by forking or downloading the repo and opening the index.html.

Website Deployment

To test the whole system you need to:

  • Setup a server with HTTP, PHP and MySQL
  • Import the database from lockpickingDB.sql
  • Fork the repo and put it under your root http serving directory.

API Usage

At the time of writing you can't set any parameters and the only endpoint is getLocksAPI.php.


  • Fill the database with all the ranked locks available here
  • Add the new lock request/update request features
  • Add authentication and users roles
  • Add panel for moderators
  • Extend API
  • Add per-user tracking capabilities to keep track of progress (picked/unpicked locks)
  • Add sidebar filters on mobile version