
Primary LanguagePython


BeaconPi is a python project that implements the CtrlBeacon protocol. The protocol aims to have many peculiarities. Some of there are:

  1. No internet is required.
  2. Really low latency.
  3. Fault tollerant.
  4. Privacy and security improves.

If you want to learn more about the protocols here there is my first thesis that's all about it!


  • Python > 3.4
  • Bluez library
  • Crypto module

You should also have the following requirements:

  • Raspberry
  • A supported wlan adapter (nl80211 driver) or the built-in adapter of Raspberry 0W and 3+


Dillinger requires the BlueZ library to run, installing it on a raspberry could be very annoying. You can choose two ways:

First (hard) method

Download and compile last version of boost available. Download the Gattlib library library then you need to modify the setup.py script in order to work with python != 3.4. In order to do that you can execute the following commands and replace "boost_python-py35" with "boost_python-py<your_version>", where <your_version> = <35|36|..> Compile libboost library with PYTHON_VER=3 flag on your raspberry then:

$ sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev libreadline-dev libgtk2.0-dev
$ wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/be/2f/5b1aecec551b42b59d8b399ad444b5672972efb590ca83d784dbe616a3e1/gattlib-0.20150805.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf gattlib-0.20150805.tar.gz
$ cd  gattlib-*
$ sed -ie 's/boost_python-py34/boost_python-py35/' setup.py
$ python3 setup.py install 
Second (easy) method

Flash a dd image with bluez already set up.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!XUcgXQZY!foqC2FuKQmW3fZZeupTImAdK3za1n-6_R4zP2onNRS4

Assuming the file is renamed in backup_dd.img and the uSD you want to flash is reachable at /dev/rdiskX, run dd to flash the image.

$ sudo dd bs=4m if=backup_dd.img of=/dev/rdiskX conv=noerror,sync


  • Write MORE Tests
  • Improve code
  • Add different packets and commands
